The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Monday, 27 April 2009

It all started with me saying, I WANT TO ROCK THE WORLD

J:You serious ar? You ok ar? You really wanna rock the world meh?

K:Ya. Why you so shock? So impossible meh?

J:Tzhar Bohr, are you conscious? Or you are still dreaming?

K:Nola! I meant it. I wanna rock the world… Wei, be la a lil’ more supportive..

J:Lady, rock the world wor?? You mean the R-O-C-K rock ar???

K:Yala!! The R-O-C-K rock….very impossible meh?? Wei, what are you doing?

J:o.O I’m calling Jessica, I need a normal human being….

K:I am human la! Ishhh!!!

J:Well, I mean a normal ordinary original human being, not like you this fake human-like creature….erm, hello, jess ar? Guess what? I met a kahinn-like creature. She, or maybe it, says wanna rock the world wor!!!


J:Hmm,ok, ok, I’ll try her..erm, will keep you updated!OMG, I’ve got a freak to rescue…


J:Ok,nw, leekahinn, jess asked you, if I give you a cheese cake and asked you not to rock the world, is it fair deal for you??

K:What cake? Cheese cake ar….hmmm….it is if I get to choose it myself…

J:Fine, then you quite close to be just one more question, if I asked you to smash your laptop and then I’ll buy you another one, apple brand, latest version, is it acceptable?


J:Why no?

K:Because lying is your hobby, and seeing others in trouble is your spare-time activities.

J:WAU! Bravo!!!! Let me wipe my tears and should I say, I’ve got my normal leekahinn back!!!

K:Miss Jer, If I ever told you that I had a sweet dream, it'd be you in my dream, acting like JENNY.

J:well, since i'm way too awesome to make it comes true, I don't mind if thats the way you show your know.......

K:If you die for being thrown eggs, thats just so logical!!

J:You think I'm a frying pan ar? EGGS somemore...


Jess said,
If you talked to Jer, you're weird
If you chit-chat with Jer, you're incredible
If you happens to like her after the conversations, you're in trouble
If you found out that her IQ was like stopped growing afetr the age of 7,


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