The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Went Out, with my friendsza~

Life is easy this way, when all we care about are movies, meals, photos, SHIMMER-SHIMMER....
My friend told me bout some issue she had with her friends in collage previously.
Somehow, I feel tears rolling. probably because I remember how I used to feel when I've got wrong "FRIEND" during start of Diploma.
Its hard to solve, and when you're out there, you see no close friends of yours.
I miss how things went on during my last 2 years of secondary school. the form 4 and the form 5.

I'm lucky enough to meet some friends, who are still with me till now.
Some friends, that shared my memories.
Some friends, that know shit lots of my secret.
Some friends, that I don't give a damn on how ugly I am in their camera, cause I know they will edit it well enough.

my pieces (27)

I can still never forget the genting dayss. We had lots of fun.
We are really smiling, laughing, playing as per shown on the photos.
We were that happy, oh, maybe even more happier than what the photos can tell.
Now, I wished things stopped there, I wished we never have to check out and get back on track.

Life is pretty tiring sometimes.
Its not like we tired ourselves out, but, when finals, assignments, these kind of words come in list,
you just feel suckss and seriously wanna run away, to somewhere far, to somewhere with wind kissing our faces, and clouds hanging around like some decorations.

I really miss my days before I have to act like a grown-ups.
I hate thinking a lot. I hate thinking twice. I hate thinking before doing.

Lifeless? I don't know.
I kept a lot of dreams in me. I wanna be a photographer, a director, a tourist, a backpacker....
but from now, I can only see a pathetic accounting staff.
I wanted to be a director so badly. well, who doesn't eh?
We all have beautiful dreams, wonderful imaginations, but they don't really come true most of the times.

Dreams are awesome, because it has nothing to do with reality.
Reality make things clear, make things, aint that good looking......after all.....


Things wont go back to the way I want them. All I can do is live on.
I've been wasting my time yearning to grow in the past, I'm not going to waste my time again feeling sorry for my wasted times. I should move on. yea, I know.

But knowing, understanding, are not enough.
I don't know how to stop missing those beautiful moments.

We don't spend much time on precious moments,
we only spend on second to feel that precious moments,
and live through our lives remembering it, again, and again.

my pieces (19)

I know this post is, urm, EMO in one kind of way, can't help it.
so deal with it.
We need to EMO sometime, cause if you smile too much, you forget how to cry.
When you forget how to cry, you forget how to break into laugh from tears.


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