The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Friday, 21 May 2010

going out cup of sugar cane is definitely not enough.
I'm still thirsty. VERY VERY thirsty.

I've been using this double exposure effect, which I used to be so much into.
I'm really SURPRISED to discover this effect.
and also another effect named Threshold.

I love editing photos.
I know, its totally UNCOOL to say things like,
"oh, now i no need lomo cam d lo! I have this software"

but before I'm economically capable to be a lomographer,
yea, this is pretty much a way out for a lomo obsess like me.
Nothing bad, just some warming up maybe.

I once said, each problem actually have more than one solution.
There could be thousands if you put in effort.
Here, I found myself rather true.
See, without lomo, I still ROCK IT OFF!


will blog more later.
after back meeting my chingu and fellow friends!
and i promise i wont forget my shoes again!!!!


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