The story goes this way:

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We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

i could never get enough of this life. never.

enjoy surfing the net in the morning
hostel is kinda cool lately
i was freezing the whole last night
i don't like it this way. it feels like the day after tomorrow + 2012
last test today. excluding exams.
feels like going out for a shooting. then i realized i have not even develop my lomo photos
its cool this way isnt it
i should be having plenty to be done this current
packing studying preparing
packing is a big project, it was about choosing what to bring but no more now, its about fitting every rubbish into a bag.

its an end now. almost for this semester. a 4 subject semester is definitely easier then a 5.
i have time sitting down for intern, for future direction
i was in the mall the other day wandering among beautiful clothes
there's a lot of them but i picked none
and since i'm trying to be a lil sentiment, its not going to be about size.
the clothes are arranged well. discounted items. new arrival. different styles for different occasions.
i remembered EY's talk in my school
they mentioned something like if you're a art-related, you can have purple hair, red shoes, green outfits.
but accounting is rather conserve on this matter
you need to look professional (which in my extent: dull)

"there will be one day in the future you wear what others expected you to.and you no longer wear what you love, and slowly, you forget."

and there was once i heard it from a friend, she says that kids nowadays wear long dresses, high heels, and one day, they will finally realize, they never had the kids image. which is why its important to live the current.

i could never get enough of this life. never.

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