The story goes this way:

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We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Monday, 9 May 2011

been lost in time this recent
sometimes i woke up in the morning wondering what month or day is it
3 months of internship didnt really take up much space in my memory bank
Guess i didnt really wanted to remember any of those thats why

its 1235pm right now like middle of the day
and im sitting in the living room

i had my brunch while ago and i love my omelette.
signed into facebook this morning with 23 notifications pop up
which turns out 1/3 of it are of some people's account being hacked and bla bla bla
1/3 is about my schoolmates tagging and informing around about new semester stuffs
only 1/3 is about my fun part of life.

worst part, when the notifications from schoolmates mentioned that suppose-to-be-no-class-today, we might have a 430pm class.

well, aint that bad, at least it means i have something to keep me busy

im stepping into my final year
how fast.
even my dad feels like its just yesterday that he brought me there for registration

Mum's out to work, im home alone. it normally wouldnt make me emo or wthever
its just, aizz, its school reopen and im on my own.

and i've got a new roommate though
havent met her officially but we did talked on phone once
guess she is nervous too

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uh huh. lets just let it be.
praying for the best
but preparing for the worst

im still learning to be strong
strong like, being able to live on my own
all by myself

being my own cure to my emotions
being my own company to my loneliness
being my own friend to my inner self

consuming every tiny bit in my
slowly, slowly, slowly

one day, i will travel the world,
draw my own map, and collect my memories



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