im watching Glee and yes i've been getting that "ewww" look
duh who cares
could be that its something lame or what
but i like this whole "Glee"
Ever since it got on tv i expected it to be good
because their commercials were them doing "Imagine" by John Lennon
and I've got their songs on my "frequently played" list
man i just like how they draw the story line to be in relation with the song in a way
i still find all those episodes worth watching
maybe its something i can relate to thinking bout my "school life"
or some "passions" in some.....not that popular stuffs
and so this recent im into this song-- "Defying Gravity"
even the name i think its cool
defying gravity, if i were to rename my blog, i will name it this
but Quietly Fantastic is too fine now, too fine that i think it just resemble my life so well
today i woke up to my self-prepared-yet-so-damn-awesome-omelet-with-tuna breakfast
like 10 minutes after i finish it or what, gosh my body shows that "I-AM-SENSITIVE-TO-STUFFS" attitude
itchiness grow around my right elbow and i scratched it then urm, yea, usual sensitive skin incident happened
though it got better a while after that, it all came back again in noon
only, even worst
then my mum tried figuring what the hell is happening
which she said i should be allergy to something i myself dont even know
(can i be allergy to house chores?)
for 21 years i've lived and i dont know im allergy to something
for ladygaga's sake, i swear all i had were normal breakfast i would have had any other days
and it just raise that "insecure" in me when the allergy to something i dont even know idea pops up
something is getting funny in me to think, im allergy to something now
i used to think allergy is some girl-ish sickness where, we rockers dont have
lol so guess thats not so much of rocker to do with allergy afterall huh
sorry allergy-friends,im one of you now and i feel stupid to say whatever i had
i just, wasnt....understanding enough?
gosh im repeating the 3467286th time on "defying gravity"
"its time to try defying~~ gravity~~~"
so much of my allergy story
oh and a snake got into my house the other day
im terrified
have you ever wonder that how much you understand your own body
like, every tiny slip of it?
i thought i did.....really. until i got frustrated scratching my own feet
maybe the things i knew....could have been a whole different story for somebody else
its totally appropriate to say i can never get enough of this life huh
i just cant get enough