it helped me realize that, no matter how strong you think you are,
there is always one person that is ahead of you
regardless of whether that one person is of any ability that worth the position
if it was me in the case of my friend's,
it would have been a week of nightmares for me.
no doubt its gonna be bothering
just, when i eventually let go, i think i'd swear so hard that,
it carves a scar on the back of my mind
well, we all knew, that there will never be fair
but when it comes so close to me,
i realize im not prepared enough for it.
i still wished i could magically has the power to act for justice
i still wished, i had the ability to do it right all over again
i still wished, that if only i could reveal the truth and save the day like a superhero
but no i couldnt
nothing of the above-mentioned that i'm able and daring enough to do
i did nothing but sending "wtfffff" among friends
its the primary form of unfair and it get us all so mad
remember how they say that in real life, its never gonna be fair?
yea, we all knew that ain't we?
but when it gets real close,
you get to see the unfairness with your naked eyes
and to feel the helplessness flowing along your blood stream
your emotion is bursting flame, but you couldn't do a thing.
that's what we say, "The worst feeling in the world"
unfortunately, there's more to come
but i still wish for #superhero ......