That was this morning and this is my afternoon today. Pretty sure there’s not gonna be night for FA really want me so badddd!
.....A good day.....
That’s all. Thanks for the 2 girl. I’ll always heart you both for all those space with you people in my memory bank. Being accompany means a lot. Means everything sometimes.
Lenka had back to my top favourite recently. And I’m addicted to “Live like you’re dying”.
I admit, I always like old things, so what? I’m comfortable with it.
It might be a lil’ fast to call it a day. There’s still a cake in my fridge. But my night will be dedicated to my FA, so and so….hmm…hmmmm….hmmmmmmm…….
I am facebooking now. And I do see lots of wishes from all over the world. I thought of listing all out and saying thank you, but that’s so stupid like marking attendance so urm….THANKS for all those wishes, wishes mean a lot as usual.
Half of the day gone like wind, another half stuck with financing.
Something strange is that I don’t feel bad for I’m having birthday in an exam mood…
I once cursed the whole damn world for the stupid arrangements of exam BUT maybe..MAYBE, I learned from the captain in “Benjamin Button”. Just let go…
I was trying so hard to let go some stupid characteristics of me…yet I’m still on the way to.
Yea…..None of us are borne or stand a chance to be perfect, maybe I just wanna be someone that I like.
Life is gonna be tiring if I hate myself.
Ohya….Despite the surprise from my 2 baby friends, the surprise from zhilin’s sister is SUPERB. Its short and natural. Thanks, 航妹。