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We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Sunday, 16 May 2010

Looking at the bright side.

so, I'm going to hostel later.
hopefully welcomed.
and, kawan-kawanku, i will miss you all seriously!

I'm not sure whether I will have internet access in the hostel,
so, I dunno what to expect at all.

I wont say I'm emo la..
I've recently made up my mind to be a friendly person..
which means even if i stepped on shit, i will still smile..LOL

yea, i read a friend's blog talking bout "looking at the brighter side"

Life's short, this is what I learn recently.
and I wan it bright, not dull, NOT AT ALL....

my friend once say I live good, cause I'm still having passions.
and that's the most lovely praise I've ever got.
and I've thought of why not keep it on..

If my life ends tomorrow, its a beautiful ending,
because I've spent 20 years of it with passions.
and its not ending tomorrow, its even more beautiful this way,
because I get to spend more years to burn all my passions!

Life is bornt great, so I'm learning to keep it the original way.
starting by looking at the brighter side.

Sun shines. Star blinks. Memories glitters. Life Sparkles.


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