The story goes this way:

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We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Friday, 19 August 2011

Fuck Humanity

Answers always exist before questions
but we couldnt stop asking why

like why i cant fly
like why i cant stay immature
like why, why did i have to been through those heartbreaking moments

one day, our kids will ask us the same question
where we will slowly answer,
"well, that's life, you cant take whatever you want, there's a price for everything"

i didnt choose this life, why did it choose me?


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people often beautify helpless as "fate" or "destiny"
they try to make you believe that this life, you're supposed to be sad and unhappy and you sinned

I studied that moral subject where it mentioned that for a certain religion
mankind are borne mankind because they've done something wrong
because they sinned and is supposed to be punished

shouldnt we be tell what wrong we've done to do our rectification
what good is done when you merely punish me without telling me what's wrong

we're nothing different from them right
the world wanted something from us thats why we exist
we are designed to fit the need of the world
they even created a system to make us eliminate among ourselves

maybe earth, universe, sun, moon whatever, they are all pure bull shits
just something they made up to us
a lil bubble they designed for us so we can live according to their needs

but the question is, who are they?

We've lost the courage to stand up and fight
cause from all those history, there's never a fight that works
its all fights between mankind

what we want is something beyond that
something that can change my life change whatever it is right now

something rooted in this world is wrong, we all know
but we couldnt care to bring it in light

cause we dont know why should we do that

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im not sure. honestly.
i just lived accordingly, very accordingly
not too much, not too less. applying the moderate in literally everything
not too good, not too bad, not too fat, not too thin, not too tall, not too short

primarily, im just a moderate person living a moderate life
whats wrong with me living it that way

when i smile and laugh more than anybody else
when i draw spongebob and patrick in my exam papers
when i jiggy like a kid in tiny happy moments

I dont know why I'm bornt
but i refused to believe that i'm bornt because I sinned and owe some punishment
no way.

My this life here, aint no punishment of whatever that's passed.
I'm Team Lennon. You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one.
there's no heaven, no hell below us, above us only sky
nothing to kill or die for, and no religion too, all the people living life in peace

and I believe that.

I believe in rainbows, in santa claus, in magics, in miracles, in meteors, in mermaids, in disney

when i was a kid, i read this one conversation that i finally understand now, it says:
Girl: do you believe in love like Disney-love?
Boy: No. its stupid. Do you?
Girl: I do.
Boy: Why?! its silly! damn every girl have this pinky princess dream huh?
Girl: Cause believing in it makes me happier.

yea. this life, i've had enough of not being able to choose this, not being able to choose that.
I'm so choosing what I wanna believe.
it could be stupid and silly and funny.
people may make fun of me, but if that makes me a better person, why not?

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the world is beautiful. Fuck Humanity



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