The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Last week of internships,

So soon, it’s the final week. It feels like yesterday that I first step in here. Its so much fun I’ve had in this 3 months. It passes like in a blink of eye! I love my seniors, they are so friendly! They taught me a lot, I’m so blissful to have them! I’m gonna miss them!!! I learned a lot of things that is not to expected in school and I really enjoyed this 3 months internship! Internship is FUN! I can’t wait to finish my study and start working!!!

ZOMG! LAST WEEK LAST WEEK! PRISON BREAK!!!!  Screw work!! Im gonna take control of my life again! woohoooo! damnit! Job exploits me!!! I wasn’t me for the pass 3 months! never really knew 3 months could be such long!!!!! OH MY FREAKING GAWD! thankgod its ending!!!! I love you, MY LIFE!!!!

Monday, 25 April 2011


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“人要學會   停止流浪  我也一樣”孫燕姿,時光小偷

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Friday, 22 April 2011

internship craby patty

It’s been a week I haven’t update my blog I see. oh.
and im doing this in office still. I hate work, DOUBLE HATE when my work screw up my meet-my-friends schedule. and I couldn’t comment on facebook using office pc, I wonder WHY! everyone out there, I don’t mean to spam your wall, really don’t. Just I don’t wanna appear ignorant, so I have to reply in any possible way.

well oh WHATEVER. I’m typing this with a serious face, to false the impression of others that “kahinn is dealing something serious”. GOTCHA!

*im out of my mind.

so today is, Friday. tomorrow will be Saturday, thanks to Rebecca Black, now we all know. ==  So Saturday, there should be a half day work for me, then it’s the final week of internship. eh he, FINAL WEEKKKKKKK! weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Even some of my friends wonder what’s gonna happen to me after graduation when I have to work until…the age of 55? oh, I will pray for retiring age to be brought forward to 30. I will then travel the world, and when I finish spending every cent, I suicide. RESOLVED.

Internship, internship, internship. (repeating this just remind me of “tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow”, is it from the dead crow?) its ending, ending and ENDING! woohoooooo

I wanna thanks my mum, for making SUPERB breakfast and lunch basically everyday of my internship. I wanna thanks my mum, for waking up earlier than I do and talk to me so I wont feel so alone during the freaking working day morning. I wanna thanks my mum, for waking up freaking early as well, during her precious Saturday for my half day work. I wanna thanks my MUM!

then I wanna thanks my dad, he used to need me to fetch him from bakai during the first month of intern, and because of that, Im busy counting down weekly on the day to fetch him, my 1st month of intern did pass pretty quickly.

then I wanna thanks my granny, she is so worried that I will starve to death that she’d prepared snacks for me most of the evening, and make me feel like Im a spoilt kid.

I wanna thanks Astro for showing lots of shows in the freaking sleepy morning to be the fist voice of my early morning.

I wanna thanks OneFm, Hitz.Fm, and now Red.Fm for keeping me awake during my journey to and from house and office.

I wanna thanks another intern(Eric) and another part timer(Henry) to not make me feel like Im not the dumbest creature in office, for they don’t seem to know what I don’t as well. [*teehee]     And I wanna thanks that part-timer again for teaching me posting. wtf, posting is the suckiest job. I HATE POSTING. mails, stamps, envelope sizes, SCREW! I have to re-ask every time I’m doing it. and I wanna thanks another intern again, for I know I am not the only one who feels creepy with the SILENT office.

then I wanna thanks the senior, which I still doesn’t know his name, which I will ask again on the last day, wei siong? wei song? erm. HMMM. he taught me MOST OF MY AUDIT JOBS, PATIENTLY. I wish him all the best, and if he really wanna stuck here for the rest of his life, I wish him to have the maximum increment every year. LOL

erm, then its Ms.Eng lo, who else, a person who decides my sunshine each day. ha, just saying. She is like the “know-best” senior, (fyi, we only have 2 seniors including her in the whole office) She knows basically everything, audit, accounts, taxes, bosses, clients, etc. Its almost everyday that there will be all kind of people coming office, she is the only one who recognized who is who, and who is the dispatch from which company. She, maybe flooded with incredible workload, comes in different mood everyday. But most of the days, she is frustrated. She will let out the face of  “I AM VERY PEK CHEK NOW AND HOW DARE YOU STILL ASK ME EASY QUESTION LIKE THIS?!!!!!!!!” hmmm… and she did gave me a lot of different companies, might be she hate me, might be it just how things should have been and I’m just thinking extra. She doesn’t sound nice, NEVER. but then, I have to say, she could be the pedestal of the whole office, jobs are revolving around her.

If she is on leave for a week, I think my boss will got choked by his coffee, if he hears the question we ask. Those were really stupid at times, but urm, WE ARE JUST MAKING SURE OK?!!!!

dah dah dah….oh, and for my boss, thanks for paying my salary. =)

page 2 already? I sucks in controlling length huh? I still remember I hate the most when I people gave me a measure named “agak-agak”. During diploma, I never really measure stuffs. During cooking, I would do ANYTHING! but to decide the amount of rice or spaghetti or material we’re using. I normally end up too far away from optimal, WTF. so I’ll be like, “SUTING! how much?!!!!!” then she will say “you agak-agak lo”. then its me, holding the food, and a container, asking her to measure. LOL. I think there was once I actually told them to cook a whole packet of spaghetti for a mere 3 person. Sorry! =DDDD

alright, I just talk about measurement. hmm, that’s… a lil far.

Friday, 15 April 2011

他拍的 我拍的

靠的是文字 一字一句的



這是十七歲的文字 我們都是這麼喜歡拍照
因為我們 都喜歡回憶
回憶像煙花 一眼瞬間的存在 卻足以讓人說上一輩子
那些年 我們一起花掉的時間

這個時候 適合來一首“多餘”
他媽的 我還是不喜歡楊宗緯

想起了 誰死後 我會想變成他 這一個問題

當我的腦海不自主地想起好多 關於 友誼 的課題
可能我的朋友離開了 可能我的朋友回來了
可是我們 都是好朋友

說不上來為什麼 可是就是習慣了的 好朋友

真好 對吧


Wednesday, 13 April 2011


回不去 不再能碰觸 的最初
把自己停住 好好看清楚 看的好辛苦
我懂 我不哭
所謂的最初 我不能自拔
劇情 答案 疲憊 依賴 束縛
不能碰觸的一地荒蕪 每一步 不能一再重複
自愚愚人的領悟 悲歡喜怒 不能碰觸
假如劇情謝幕 結局是幸福的哭 能不能滿足
疲憊的悲歡喜怒 我們演的好辛苦
讓依賴停住 我退出

我說假如結局是笑 不如我退出 看清楚自己曾美麗
所謂的領悟 不能碰觸
演出 謝幕
我不懂 我哭

愛是愚人的國度 我們的結局 是笑 是哭

right, i still cannot type chinese in office.
so this is cut and pasted word by word based on what i have in 愚人的國度, 孫燕姿.
and of course, i love this.
started off cincai-ly, and end up pretty nicely.
me love. 

Sunday, 10 April 2011

什麼都夠上邊 卻什麼都 抓不住
好多好多瞬間 自己 也莫名的 累了


就是 當不甘心 演變成一種不痛不癢的疤痕
你不再使勁地去抓 只是心裡彆扭著那個礙眼的存在

漸漸的去習慣  不管自己多麼不喜歡


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也許這就是我喜歡lomo的原因?lomo標榜的是隨心所欲的拍,don’t think just shoot。我把它進化了,don’t think just live。朋友說我比較像don’t think just survive。哈!去你的。


前幾天開始加班,雖然只是一個小時,但天上一日,地上一年啊!唉,媽媽都有點無法接受我怎麼對朝九晚五這麼抗拒,也許,因為我肖命定逍遙奔跑的悍馬吧?突然想起我朋友說我很喜歡把東西東改西改。修照片,把好好的筆記彩繪的連自己得差點忘了筆記的重點是學習,把普普通通的事情講述的跟電影一樣。他很喜歡給我一個有沒有那麼誇張啊?的表情,然後我有的時候會說,哎,差不多啦!然後一群人就會像鬼戲咧嘴女那樣的張大嘴巴說 差很多!!!!。然後我會開始說,沒有,是我細節化,他們會開始,ignore我。算什麼朋友這個。

但真的啊,我無法明白我哥哥,經過三個月不停塞車不停撞車不停睡不夠的實習的哥哥,他說工作比唸書好太多了, 做工好!做工好!他說。亂講。哪裡好!每天回到家就累得覺得自己的一根手指都有千斤重,七早八早時間一到就必須上車,象徵性的開始新的一天。每天在同樣的時間點,做同樣超悶且無聊的事情。我在交通燈的路口都會張望自己周圍的車輛。我很想知道,為什麼我都在同樣的時間離開,卻不曾在同樣的地方遇上同樣的人同樣的車?大家,不都跟我一樣在周而復始嗎?今天左手邊是一個照鏡子補妝的小姐,昨天是一個講電話的中年男人,前天是一個趴在窗口的小孩。然後我每天都一樣,一個睡不夠卻左顧右盼的悄悄的神奇家。



那天我讀了一本推理小說,日文翻譯的,書名是 畢業。我因該有蠻多東西要說的,關於那個故事,關於故事如何觸動著我。而我很高興的,因為我又找到了自己喜歡的小說,除了九把刀。人總要看很多很多書,不能只喜歡一個作家,不能只有單一的依靠。現在看的是“重返人間”,英文還是法文翻譯的不知道。可是我覺得這個故事的作者有很強的細節處理,從環境到氣味,到凌亂的思緒。我喜歡,那一種可以跟著書裡的細節,去建造自己的畫面的參與感。偶爾我會希望這部戲會被 “The Social Network ”的導演拿去拍成電影,因為我覺得如果可以用那種絕佳的分鏡,故事的銜接會更緊湊。然後我還有一本村上春樹擱著,不是說了我想要讀一本村上春樹嗎?挺好的,想什麼,有什麼。

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Monday, 4 April 2011


My sister likes green. She eats capsicum, she rip green leaves off trees as bookmarks, she even tried snatching the traffic light when it turns green. Sometimes, she come into my room, where she found my school books in green cover, she secretly took it and, keep the cover under her bed. ONLY the cover.

One weekend morning where we’re having breakfast in a nearby market, I saw her eying my green coloured bowl of soup. My brother slightly pushed me under table, and before something bad ever happened, I pushed that bowl to her.

Sometimes my brother and I got fed up and tried taking it to my mother. My mothers always say its just kid things, and she promised it will get better.

Well, that was before she kept fresh veggies beneath her for-green-only bed. I read on the newspaper that green is a colour for peace. My brother told me my sister could be the next Adolf Hitler. Only she is nothing on races, she’d call for a war tao paint everyone else green.

My grandma visited last week. She came with a green blouse. I, with my brother picked her up from the bus stop. We lied to her that we wanted to buy her a present, then we got her a new top. fully without green. not even a dot.

We then got home, with my sister playing her used-to-be-pink-but-now-green doll. She is feeding the green doll some…. oh, my text book cover. She greeted and the next second, I think we all saw something ran through her eyes. We double checked ourselves, and grandma. We don’t see anything green…I guess?

Morning the next day, my grandma couldn’t find her jade ear rings.

My mum started feeling the fear which I had for sometime. Maybe ever since I found veggies under my sister’s bed. She discussed with my dad for a therapy session. My dad was shocked that we kept this from him. He wondered if my sister could take it, like therapy session for a 9? He said he needed some space for consideration, and asked us to leave him alone as he does this thinking.

“Sure, but be fast.” said my brother.

He then made himself a cup of coffee, and started thinking where to start from in this matter. He walked upstairs, into my sister’s room. My mum was already in there. She is reading my sister’s diary. My dad was a bit shocked that my mum is doing so, he thought he could still use some privacy. My mum turned and passed my dad the diary. She hid her face into her hands for a second before she left the room.

Dad hold the book and still not sure about whether he should read this. He sat on the bed, with diary still on his hand. Lime wall and ceiling, green table, dark green shelves, yellowish green bed sheets, dolls all in different green roughly painted.

My brother walks in with a guitar on him. He simply plays some random songs. He too take a good look over the room. My father started flipping the diaries. Even the words are in green and not to mention the pages.

My brother is still playing random songs, and my dad is getting a lil annoyed. He is reading a normal daily words of a 9-year-old girl, if minus the green colour part.

He is still annoyed by my brother’s random guitar noise, that he stood up and went for my mother. He turned to my brother and say, get your elder sister and come down to the kitchen. WITHOUT, that guitar.

My father cast for a vote. Then we started searching for therapist details. Dad say this is a to-be-lay-low matter, all we did was go online to check and my mum is fliiping yellow page. My dad called my uncle who works in a hospital. He seem to be in great difficulty trying to make up stories about why he need info about a therapy. He ended up with the same old reason everyone else use, “just asking for my friend you know…bla bla bla”

My brother shifted his laptop to my side. He messaged me through MSN asking what is the main criteria in searching for a therapist. I copied to the question to google and sent him the result link. I don’t know if that’s gonna help.

My mum bookmarked a few pages, and she came by our side, asking for our findings. Right, 2 person googling for the samething comes out the few same answer. Websites more to commercial of some hospital.

My dad hung up his call, and asked my mum, should the therapist be a psychologist or a psychiatrist? We three stunned. Its still weird to imagine I’m sending a 9 year old to a problem-mentally place.

Then my phone rang, my sister. She was at the tuition centre and is ready to go home. My parents then decided, my brother and I will fetch my sister and took her out for fun. Whereby my parents will be at the school, talking to someone.

We brought her to the mall, bought her ice cream, mint icecream. Then we brought her to the bookstore. She is flipping some books about botanical. I sat beside her and then I couldn’t help asking, “sis, what so good about green?”

She is still flipping that book of plants. slowly utter words sound like this “its beautiful”. My brother then came with a pink colour guitar, children ones. He asked her whats so bad about pink? All girls like pink. My sister says, its ugly.


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