The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Monday, 14 December 2015



Friday, 11 December 2015

Look up to the sky not just the floor

"Million Years Ago"
by, Adele

I only wanted to have fun
Learning to fly learning to run
I let my heart decide the way
When I was young
Deep down I must have always known
That this would be inevitable
To earn my stripes I'd have to pay
And bare my soul

I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who can't stand the reflection that they see
I wish I could live a little more
Look up to the sky not just the floor
I feel like my life is flashing by
And all I can do is watch and cry
I miss the air I miss my friends
I miss my mother I miss it when
Life was a party to be thrown
But that was a million years ago

When I walk around all of the streets
Were I grew up and found my feet
They can't look me in the eye
It's like they're scared of me
I try to think of things to say
Like a joke or a memory
But they don't recognise me now
In the light of day

I know I'm not the only one
Who regrets the things they've done
Sometimes I just feel it's only me
Who never became who they thought they'd be
I wish I could live a little more
Look up to the sky not just the floor
I feel like my life is flashing by
And all I can do is watch and cry
I miss the air I miss my friends
I miss my mother I miss it when
Life was a party to be thrown
But that was a million years ago

A million years ago


When was the last time a song caught you right in the act of life?
It struck through you and instead of crying, 
you were left suffocating in the eerie silence.

You can't cry.

For your heart is weeping and bleeding

You are worried,
about yourself.

Thursday, 10 December 2015


In the end, we all regretted for a poorly hand-shake goodbye
Years later, as you sit back at your leather-made sofa, watching your kids running around your thousand-dollar carpet,
You began to think back of the people at the very beginning of your working life
How long have you been working?
5 years? 10 years?
And then even that year old awkward goodbye hugs seem precious.
Because time washes off the harshness of reality,
What remains, are the essence of your memories.
The smile, the laughs, the helpless hopeless working papers,
They all look cute from afar. FROM AFAR.

And if situation allows, flip out your phone,
Call a person or two

“Hello, its me. I was wondering if after all these years you would like to meet~”

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

#Thoughts 001

I think the sadness and pathetic of life sink in when we realize, we actually like 2 different life that cannot be together.

As a human of this world at this time, we are taught to be logical. If you are not, you belong to an asylum. And by logic, it means everyone can be measured with pros and cons, every event in life can be carefully analyzed for advantages and disadvantages. We are supposed to level between these and figure out the most cost-benefit way of them all.

You like football and you like baseball? Well play both and find out which one you are better at. Here I use the word “better at” instead of “liked the most” because, well, if you purposely choose something that you like for your own pleasure, you are dumb, you are stupid and you are the negative example for the whole next century.

There is no such thing as both, or have it all. That I get.
There are so many things in this world that you can have, but “All” is never an option.
Even for those people who say those women who have both wonderful family and successful careers, they say these women have everything.

Nope. Nope, but not in a negative way.
These people are more determined I guess. They are pretty clear that they want a wonderful family and successful career. You try mixing a wonderful family, a successful career and plenty of leisure time for self. Pretty impossible. You have only one life, made up by 60 seconds per minute and 24 hours a day.

Basically everything you do has a tik-tok.

In what that has inspired me into writing these, it’s when Robin & Barney first got engaged.
Ted had been all fine and obsessed of being a “main-of-honor”, and somehow Lily got Ted up in the roof and say, “I’m gonna give you an out”.

“Sometimes I wish I am not a mother. I wish I can just pack up a bag and leave in the middle of the night, never coming back.”

“Robin shouldn’t be with Barney. She should be with me”

(One thing with these sitcoms, is that they are relatable. Somehow some part of  these seemingly ridiculous story is part and parcel of your whole life, if not summary of it. #ExaggeratingToMakeAPoint)

I always wonder how people get up, decide that ok, I want a family and I want nothing but a family. People, as in my parents. I always label myself as the wasted kid. You know, the one you wished you hadn’t had. My parents have been really awesome, like providing me education, needs, luxuries and even dreams. My parents made it a thing to celebrate every year during my birthday. We get to go fancy western restaurant where I will order chicken chop and milkshakes.

They love me like any pure love a parent can ever give a child, maybe even more.

It’s just, sometimes, I don’t think I deserve such love.
For all these years, I felt like I am the worst kid.
Always waiting to flee the warm comfortable nest
Always dreaming for tougher and bigger shits

Chinese has a saying that says to not travel far when the parents are around.
I can’t.
Simply just can’t.

As I flip back the old photos of me, I felt bad.
My parents have positive expectations on me.
But I grew up this rebellious immature emo kid.

I never said I love you to my parents and the thought of that grosses me.

I don’t realize the need to call home randomly.
My mum had to text me like “Hey its been 2 weeks not hearing from you, how are you?”

I wished I could be more caring.
Keep them in my concern.

(TruthBeTold, I think I have no concern.)

Maybe I was right all the time, I am incapable to love.

That’s why I guilt over the love people showered on my.
My family, my friends.

Probably same reason why I keep losing friends too.

Sunday, 22 November 2015




















Sunday, 15 November 2015

這一次 你真的很介意




































Thursday, 12 November 2015

龙有逆鳞 触之必杀

而生命 对每个人都不公平也没道理

突来的骤雨 这条街一路泥泞 就像人生 不过是一场即兴
整个世界 正在对我们挑衅 就算如此还是得无惧前进
­手中的邮报 封面的人在微笑 下个路口 生命在暗巷尖叫
活着只是 油墨上面的一角 明天之后 还有谁翻阅得到

我跟你用不同方式 踩过前方带刺荆棘
你嚣张不畏惧退缩 我低头沉默却坚定
用力的还击 发出声音 让他们安静 不敢相信
继续前进 他们畏惧 睁大眼睛 他们躲避
然后放弃 专心聆听 我的声音

而生命 对每个人都不公平也没道理

我 我 我 只有一种容貌 我就是永远不会倒
我就算逆境环绕 我面对也要带着笑

我说自尊啊 看起来或许可笑
但它至少 撑着我,试着不让我跌倒

活着 如果只是不甘寂寞的喧嚣
那就咆哮吧 让每个人都能听得到

用力的还击 发出声音 让他们安静 不敢相信
继续前进 他们畏惧 睁大眼睛 他们躲避
然后放弃 专心聆听 我的声音

­而生命 对每个人都不公平也没道理

Friday, 9 October 2015

Yesterday I saw a lion kiss a deer

As I sit in here at my table in the office, I felt misplace.
I thought I wanted a different job.
You know, like a different country, different horizon, different life, different world.

I watched a video last night about a baby getting his hearing aid for the first time.
His eyes almost popped.

For months I have been in a deep deep valley of disappointments, and this video worked its way in like a little spark. For probably the first time, I saw light.

I cried. A lot. Ever since, I realize I am a very pathetic person.
The kind that doesn’t deserve pity.

I realize all these struggle, started since the day I mentally die.
I forget when, but its like my consciousness has have enough.

I wanted to convey gratefulness and apologies to my parents.
I thank the both of you for relentless understandings, on your rebellious daughter.
Now that I have met more people, it strike me as of how much you have tried to be understanding.
Its never a reason to blame if we never grew close, its just, I felt really bad because I ruined your chances to have a heart-felt daughter.

Sometimes, I see my friends have these little special routines with their mums. They’d share makeups, they’d talk about daily life, they’d share, a lot of their daily lives with their mums. Well I don’t. And I don’t know how to.

Many people prescribe me as unfriendly before they know me. And from there, they just don’t wanna know me anymore. And it never had been an issue to me until I realize it might be the same case with my parents also.

What its like to raise your kid but never get to understand them?

I picture raising kids like raising your own friend. You let them run their own life, but you wish you could stay close.

Leekahinn, why do you have to distant yourself like all the time?

Maybe its unfair to say I never miss home, more like, I never felt that I have left.

Because it has been pretty much the same thing.

Only sometimes, I miss the TV at home.

But other than that, I don’t really feel the need of a physical appearance of my home.

Its in me. And as long as my parents are reachable through phone/ social media, anywhere, is my home.

Sometimes, when you are alone in a land of strangers, you feel lonely. Or Rather, I felt lonely.
But somehow, I talked myself through and believed that I will be a loner for the rest of my life, and so I better suck that up.
So I shut the fuck up, cry myself to sleep, and wake up another person, who is now stronger and never feel lonely or scare.

I am scared of all sort of animals, basically anything with eyes, or fur, or hair, or slimy-ness.

But if I were to be locked in the dungeon with any of these, I wouldn’t surrender.

Life turned me into a fighter and unfortunately, life forgot to turn off the dreamer part of me.

Every now and then, I picture a full frame photo, with everyone I have ever heard of or came to know.

I like to picture each of them at the best of their smile.

It makes me felt like this world is probably not that bad.

I used to label myself as an optimist. Now, I am not sure if I’m pessimist or depression.

Friday, 2 October 2015


I am feeling a lot of imbalance.

Can't juggle between jealousy or pure jealousy.

SO, I was thinking I can blog about something happy,
to help get over this huge negativity.
(or should I just do awkward-dance to shake-it-off)

The only happy thing about me recently is that Sam got married.
I mean I always thought she has been in a stable relationship, but still, it felt warmingly to see them become husband and wife.

Sometimes, I do think I am pretty lucky in many sense.
Having met kind people around my life and thus soften my edges a tiny bit.

I met Sam at the doorstep of my first job, and she stayed friend.
We grew close somewhere around sometimes that I have forgotten.

But in my memory, she has always been this kind person with generous spirit.

(yup, she offered me food before. and whoever that has gave me food, will always remain in my prayers.)

We didn't stay long in the dinner for their ROM.
It was packed and everyone is trying to get a hold of the bride and groom.

I think everyone is genuinely happy.

If only I could have such happiness to stick around for a longer while

I can't help my pessimistic.

But I really wanna be happy for sam.
I declared yesterday a happy day.
And soon enough, reality bitch slap me and lure me into work.

Sam, I am very, utterly, utmost-ever-ly happy for you.
I always will be.

Its just, I have too much hate and sadness.
I am not as cool as I thought.
I am just another piece of crap.

Crap bag.

Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Friends S10E16

people will grow apart
that is just what it is about in this life

Nothing were ever meant to stay

And as I was typing this, my friend sent me a job vacancy in Finland.

" she flee the country.."

this sentence always gets to me
it goes straight into the core of my heart and stab right through

I even thought of getting a job in Bangkok.

Its killing me that I am not doing any adventure

If only I could have somebody to turn to
or a room where I know I would find food and friends

ya, 25 and realize I have been losing all my friends.

So hey current friends, don't leave, please?

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Kahinn and her books

what do you know, once a blogger always a blogger

I thought I couldnt write much these days.
All I have was pieces of stories which I never could finish.

I really wanted to finish them.
Its just, somehow my characters stayed helpless like me
While I can't even find a way out myself, what are there for those fictional characters.

Writing stories is quite a personal enjoyment.
I never share any of those with anyone, because I just can't.

These stories are all a part of me.
My memories, my expectations, my wishes, my jealousy

I like reading and I like writing.

I was talking to the roomate the other day.
We were talking about interview questions, and I said I would always say reading even though it kinda mean I am a boring person.
She laughed and proceeded to agree, 'Ya, quite lame'

Err. right.

Okay I know, I would judge too if it weren't for me.

I really enjoy reading,
not only because it makes me look smart (I figure this probably didnt work after all..)
I enjoy stories, like any stories but the I-love-u-u-love-me-but-lets-cry kind of romance
anything but that.

English stories in general annoy me with the extended pace
(like 3 pages to describe an autumn morning. no thanks)

I recalled i once read one full page paragraph describing a garden bench.

I guess the only good traits my parents instilled on me successfully was to be read.
I can easily lure my dad into buying any books.
And my mum, she bought a whole set of encyclopedia for me and my brother.
The set was a fun one, I remember I loveeeeee the one with ancient history.
Oh and I would take those (hardcovers) and pretend it was my laptop.

And somehow, I actually miss playing with my legos.
I was never good at that, but those were some great fun among my dull life.

oh wait, this was supposed to be about me and my books.

Books. hmm, I read like a nerd.
Nothing fancy like a cafe with jazz and coffee with natural setting.
I just want to cozy up with my blanket and enter into a mental journey

But for that sense, I really wanted a good reading chair.
You know, something like a bean bag but better
Where you can sit you can lie and,
just something that can ease my back bone/ spinal cord...

BookNerds should dream for a book shelf but for me,
I really want a great chair to adventure into

I seriously don't mind my books scattering

In fact, I like it when they are not-organised

As if I could pick up anything and be surprise!

Sometimes, when I was watching a movie, I narrate it.
I would describe those empty scene and I really enjoyed that !

well you go ahead and judge

Monday, 28 September 2015


I've started to reduce my times here, here what I'd prefer to call my memory banks.

2 years ago, I wouldn't have imagine what was it like to stop writing on my blog.
Now, I just miss the times when I have too much about me to tell.

Some people once told me only lame people write blog/ diaries, others are too busy living their awesome shining life.

Well that is not true.

My life has got even lame-r than it ever had been but I stopped writing.
Maybe people just stop reflecting on themselves when they are too busy or too free.
Either of the extreme, you felt like you are occupied by the glory or the emptiness, it just kept you from thinking about yourself

So how was me?

I started putting on makeups. It became a ritual.
I dress up myself, put on high heels, paint my face, and ready to smile at the bad times.

I enjoy staring into the mirror as my cleanser melt the makeups away.
It calms me down. Its more like a symbolic action to me.
Like I'm finally off that table of documents and back to the leekahinn who had never grow up a single bit.

Well, I hadnt do my birthday post this year.
Might as well make this one of it.

I forgot when I stopped celebrating birthdays.
Mum & Dad used to take us out for a decent western meal on our birthdays.
And we get to go Toys  R Us, pick up a toy that I would lose interest as soon as I get a hold on it.
That's just what I do, buy something just to own and forget about the initial craze.

way to go leekahinn. way to go.

uh huh. uh huh. I have always been aware of my 3-minute interest in basically everything.

so, I was talking bout make-ups.
Or the mask I have been wearing upon facing reality.

I think all my emoness was about whether I should keep on having the mask on and off and should I just let the mask melt upon my face?

I mean, calling it a mask may not do much justice, cause, I'm not an entirely different person under it and without it.
Its just, all those makeups, high heels, dresses and coat, it made me felt, hmm what's the word, stronger? mentally stronger?
Like I am more ready, or acceptable, towards the meaness coldness illogical shits.
and that I can take more rejects, huge NOs, firm NOs, fucking NOs, I-m-too-busy-so-no NOs.

The thing is growing up, is that I realize the spaces around me getting smaller.
MENTAL spaces.

Like when you were a kid, I felt like I have so many things!
I would walk around the house at 12 am when everyone is sound asleep,
and I would just count on the stuffs I have

From soft toys to random stationary to cds

I had so much that I used to make myself decide which to bring had I were ever ordered to evacuate... *assuming scenes of apocalypse*


I always struggled! Do I bring more books to appear smart or bring more huggybears/barbie dolls to appear soft and weak.

At that age, I always believe that if you could convince people that you are soft and weak, you can be anything you want. Well, at least that's what school had taught.
Cry whenever the teacher wanna question you, they will just know you are innocent, and ready to trust all your bull shits. It helps when you are tiny and fair too.

When you are gigantum like me, don't bother trying.
You hardly see people lovingly look at a whale or a shark don't you

So back to my struggles. Apparently, back then, I wasn't so much a book person.
I was lame and ordinary.

I like barbie dolls, totally bought-in the rich prince poor servant love.
I believed in the television, to be precise, the craps in the television.

But hey look at me now, I drive recklessly, live like a hobo, and sometimes secretly wanna be a beggar for a day.
I have packed and packed many times in my life and I'm getting good at it.

Whenever I go, I don't really unpack.
Because I always felt like I'm leaving soon, SOON.

I don't bother settling stuffs into organised manner because I always have this deep intuitive that i am leaving.
Settling down never sound like an option to me.
It was always something I wish others well for.

"Oh hey, happy for your marriage, so settling down huh? Good for you!"
"I heard you've been on a new job for a while. How was it? Great You think gonna stay?Wow terrific! I am so happy to hear this!"
"So you think you will move to the new place with your boyfren? Glad that you guys are taking the next step! Way to go!! Having your own family has always been your dream ain't it! Please don't you ever forget to invite me on your wedding!"
"Going further studies? WOW! Thats good thing! I thought its about time you start pursuing something you want!Keep me posted! Well send me some postcards will ya?"

Seeing people taking off into another phase of life
Seeing people choosing to call a place home

I never understand that

What was it like to settle down?
What was it like to wanting to settle down?

Does it mean you stop worrying about you running out of disposable underwear?
Does it mean you stop worrying about missing an obvious opportunities?
Does it mean you can officially say that your primary commitment need you?
Does it mean you don't feel as worthless during weekends?

What is the weight of such commitment?

As I am washing my hands in that washroom of client with and office of 1970s,
I lift my head and accidentally caught a glimpse of my reflection

And every time, I hear Mulan closing the door and begun singing,

"Look at me,
I will never pass for a perfect bride, or a perfect daughter.
Can it be, 
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see, that if I were truly to be myself, 
I would break my family's heart.

Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me?
Why is my reflection someone I don't know
Somehow I cannot hide,
Who I am, thought I've tried, 
When will my reflection show, who I am inside?
How I pray, that a time will come, 
I can free myself, from their expectations
On that day, I'll discover someway to be myself,
and to make my family proud.
They want a docile lamb, 
No-one knows who I am.
Must there be a secret me, 
I'm forced to hide?
Must I pretend that I am someone else for all time?
When will my reflection show, who I am inside?
When will my reflection show, who I am inside?"

- Mulan, Reflection

Who is this pale face with annoying blush spot?
Who is this in dresses and high heels walking upright trying to speak convincing and persuasive?

Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?
Must there be a secret me, I'm forced to hide?

I don't hate myself under this working look,
its just, I wonder what is the balance between the working look and my just-me-surviving look?

Writing like this makes me feel awesome.
Right, its the best in fact.
Easily I felt ok again.

I always feel ok again.

Monday, 10 August 2015






心里油然而生一股浓烈的不舍之感,再几个小时,我的位置也会这样,挥一挥衣袖,不带走一片云彩。我开始努力地想记住每一个人,第一个是自由行却搞出旅行团阵仗的Pat,然后是很努力证明自己是广东人的Zain,还有那个十点多才check in却还要出去的Alice,最后一晚还有穿好衣服等着出门highMaggiePeggy。我在床上一遍一遍得想着短短的四天我们每晚躺在床上乱七八糟的聊天的情况。







隔天,我到了Central Embassy去和朋友吃午餐。高端大气上档次的商场,低调奢华有内涵的餐厅,我在曼谷的高楼大厦之中吃了一餐黑松露。商场的设计就是奔着高大上去的,我确实很惊讶,这跟电影里的曼谷,不一样啊!电影里,曼谷就是一排排老旧的店,挂着绿色的蓬,人来人往的大街上,川流不息的车子还有电单车和充满个性的tuk tuk。这些,再加上满天灰尘,还有拎着啤酒的背包客。这才是电视里的曼谷!入夜,七彩的灯光转起来,各种神秘的秀场表演,各种妩媚的眼神从四面八方投射过来,企图把你领进那个其实并不那么禁忌的禁忌世界。














Friday, 8 May 2015






縱有紅顏 百生千劫
難消君心 萬古情愁
青峰之巔 山外之山
晚霞寂照 星夜無眠
如幻大千 驚鴻一瞥
一曲終了 悲欣交集

夕陽之間 天外之天
梅花清幽 獨立春寒
紅塵中 你的無上清涼寂靜光明 

行如風 如君一騎絕塵
空谷絕響 至今誰在傾聽
一念淨心 花開遍世界
每臨絕境 峰回路又轉
但憑淨信 自在出乾坤
恰似如夢初醒 歸途在眼前
行盡天涯 靜默山水間
傾聽晚風 拂柳笛聲殘
踏破芒鞋 煙雨任平生慧行堅勇



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