The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Thursday, 30 September 2010

This coincident dragged me into deep deep thoughts
we started as a bunch of naive people
sitting near each other
before matters arose
before love bloomed
so much before

before everything started
who would have expected we will reach this today
never know i will stay in this lil penang
and said goodbye to some people
some left before i had the chance to say it

there's this one day my mum told me a few stories of her friends
she ended with a simple sentence saying,
"well, dunno where is she right now, lost contact so long ago"

kinda sad
losing a friend is sad
not to mention if u've lose a lot

sometimes i try seeing those photos of us back at secondary school.
laughing, and there's always a lot of us
like i've said, no matter whoever is in the picture, no matter whether they really smiled or just faked it, i treasure all of them.

from there, i picked up bit by bit and built my own memories
good ones, bad ones.

i miss the time where all of everything hasnt started yet
before stories secrets loves started joining us

but i like it right now too
seems like, those who care really stayed
and for those who left, whatever you just go away, bye.
i just wanna stay with those care to stay with me. =)

i love my friends,
when i say friends, it meant a double side relationship

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Result is out
and da, NOPE
i am not going to penang bridge to suicide tonight

Suting visited yesterday night
watch 2 movies
i couldnt sleep last night
yea, chicken


i was so damn worried ever since i ended the papers
thats what usually happen when i dont any preparation in me had been done well

i learned.
i wanna be a hardworking student this semester
insomnia is the worst thing i ever wanted
exams are killing
but i think if i were to work a lil bit more harder,
things should get better

my mind is not in order yet
feeling 100% grateful to have all passed
i wanna kill the chicken and return to the GOD

my worst subject is financial accounting
i got C....and C- would be FAIL
thank god! i could be only 1 marks away!

well whatever
what's end is end

I'm still grateful
and i know luck will not be with me forever.
i will work on it

and one this latest love
yea, so what if i just love my dad's era's singers?
they rock wat!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

日子像水蒸氣 上氣不接下氣

今天在看eat pray love的制作特辑





繼續 - 給15歲的自己

作曲:Angela Aki

知道嗎 我總是惦記 十五歲不快樂的你
我多想 把哭泣的你 摟進我懷裏
不確定 自己的形狀 動不動就和世界碰撞

那些傷 我終於為你 都一一撫平

那一年最難的習題 也不過短短的幾行筆記
現在我卻總愛回憶 回憶當時不服輸的你

天空 會不會雨停 會不會放晴
會不會是我忘記 還能勇敢地去淋雨
我們繼續走下去 繼續往前進
感覺累了的時候 抱著我們的真心
靜靜 好好地休息

這些年 我還算可以 至少都對得起自己
謝謝你 是你的單純 給了我指引
遇見過 很多很多人 完成了一些些事情
你一定 還無法想象 多精彩過癮

誰說人生是公平的 它才不管我們想要怎樣
很感激 你那麽倔強 我才能變成今天這樣

我們繼續走下去 繼續往前進

我們想去的地方 一定也有人很想去
我們都不要放棄 都別說灰心
感覺累了的時候 請你把我的手握緊

沒有地圖 人生只能憑著手上的夢想 Oh~
循著它的光 曲折轉彎找到有光的地方
Lalala Lalala Lalala 那年的夢想
Lalala Lalala Lalala 人要有夢想
勇敢的夢想 瘋狂的夢想

繼續走下去 繼續往前進
路旁有花 心中有歌 天上有星
我們要去的那裏 一定有最美麗的風景
Oh~ 都不要放棄 都別說灰心
痛到想哭的時候 就讓淚水洗掉委屈
我們要相信自己 永遠都相信
我們做過的事情 都會留在人心裏

有一天 我將會老去 希望你會覺得滿意
我沒有 對不起那個 十五歲的自己



日子像水蒸氣 上氣不接下氣
幸好我遇見了你 謝天謝地
一整個銀河系 因為你所以七夕

好像被曬到頭暈 喝一口酸梅冰
暫時找到重心 可以鬆一口氣
雖然物換星移 偶然中場休息

難得風平浪靜 難得風和日麗
難得晴 難得雨 難得生命裏有過你
難得有你可以 讓我認得 記得 值得
難得 一年總有一天 我的好天氣

凝視你的單眼 凝結黑白底片
暫時與暫時之間 等於時間
有些過眼煙雲 來不及調整光圈

愛要的只是timing 不需要多聰明
不是一見鍾情 就能一言為定
過去還過得去 只是難免可惜

難得風平浪靜 難得風和日麗
難得晴 難得雨 難得生命裏有過你
難得有你可以 讓我認得 記得 值得
難得 一年總有一天 我的好天氣

難得風平浪靜 難得風和日麗
難得晴 難得雨 難得生命裏有過你
難得有你可以 讓我認得 記得 值得
難得 聽說明天又是 一個好天氣

Friday, 24 September 2010

chiak, bai, ai

hadn't been really about my life did i
its a huge goodybye season this time
saying goodbye here and there
right after my exam i was busy
seriously i don't recall a clear image of that time
it was just about a few of us going here and there
walking here and there
planning this and that

and before tat my laptop got into medical centre of itself
too much of viruses
end up nearly dead
its now with a brand new soul
in sum, CURED.

and the week after i finished saying goodbye to my friends,
its time for me to kiss my holidays goodbye
yea, damn pity. i know tat. and i dont any less of sorry that others have felt for me

so today is friday
monday will be a brand new day
i cut my hair yesterday which is thursday
went out for the LEEKAHINN day on tuesday
the rest, i spent it wandering around my house
digging secrets which fail big time

so here again, me discussing timetable and new lecturers
from my past 16 years of study
i learned one important fact which never seem to appear in any education material
"Never ever at once think good of lecturers, whether they are known or not"
A user will always be a user and a cheater will always be a cheater.
People don't change, they just find different ways to lie.

yea, tats important

there's something i can't help feeling down of
its that, when i was like, before allowed to drive to college
i do think that a car means a lot in freedom
like wat i used to feel back when i was 5
i used to think that freedom means being able to go mcd whenever i feel like
lame. but what would u expect from a 5-year-old

so these days, i drove to hostel, back home, sometimes out for meals, or movies with friends
and i learned one thing, things always stay pretty until you have it on hand

now with a car, i look at that petrol meter and rate
now with a car, i divided my pocket money into an extra part of petrol
now with a car, i still don't get to go anywhere i feel like

i follow the hidden schedule according to the traffic
i plan my routes so i don't have to take extra turn
i stayed home and cook instead of buying

its never about the external when it comes to the problem of emotions
there's no change between having a car and without one
there's no change between having something you desired and without one

now that i realize,
while you're owning something,
you're supposed to develop your courage to move on without it.

like when you're lying,
while you were being covered by your lies,
you're supposed to develop the courage of tearing the lyings into pieces in future with your bare hands

God does give second chance,
which is why the word "forgiveness" is created

He the al-mighty created this word
left it there and allow everyone who has the courage to reach upon

that's why i heart Eat Pray Love
the courage to throw everything away
it only sounds romantic
but we don't eat romantic
that's why for someone to take a turn in their lives
sort of like forcing them to leave that big crowd they are among which is their comfort zone

It needs a lot more than what it may seem.

Eat Pray Love
i have this in my list
if only the book "secret" is true

Thursday, 23 September 2010

gar tau mor. gunting itu rambut.

I cut my hair.
after deep deep DEEP consideration
I was like, wanna cut ar? serious? ARE YOU SANE LEEKAHINN?
dunno why.
I always have this phobia over saloon....
I suffer insomnia a night before the hair cut
maybe that's why I hadn't been cutting my hair since...CNY maybe?
I'm afraid to, like, urm.....DISCUSS with the stylist about the hair I wanted
and I'd rather let it grow into a big messs
like bushes,so i can proudly tell the me in mirror that,
"hey look! you go green!"

and I picked up 2 books of 9blades sent over by my uncle all the way from Johor
I've started reading one of it
Its actually kinda..comic-like
and non-comician like me makes me wonder why am i so into it.
well. whatever.
hair cut checked!
and hoping, It will bring good mood and luck this semester.

oh, and Dajie, you know have a company when mama is scolding your hair..
mine is somehow the same concept as yours!

some pictures to be shown.
allow me
(damn, i wanna sound formal)

so this is my hair right now:
the shampoo the saloon using smells really nice
probably because of that smell
I have a loyalty customer.
way to go
the hair is actually normal
i know
but i just grew to like it
and, since i'm so scared of talking to stylist,
i brought a picture along.
saved in my phone.
like what i used to do when i wanted to cut that old mushroom head
thanks to that mushieroomie head
my cousin decided to forget my name and pronounced me
"mushroom head cousin"

I decided to share the picture i showed tat stylist
dun laugh until I know you laugh.
the model is 3746187472365198763981237109 times different from me.
i know that.
so just have a look, and laugh somewhere else:


and some picture to urr...neutral back the atmosphere
十五 十六

favourite video:

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Throwing all tracks into playlist and listening to them randomly is another way of remembering the good old days

Half way through editing photos from Kuala Sepetang.
been there with family
feel like it is in connection with pulau pangkor
where chinese is the majority
well, maybe that's why this 2 places are so alike to me

school gonna reopen next week.
what kind of tertiary education centre have semester break of TWO weeks?
people counted with months k!

And every time I started my holiday,
i'm always busy saying goodybye with friends few days at the beginning.
and i get to enjoy the holiday ALL BY MYSELF.


and the best damn thing is, the short and freaking holiday for my college
is always that short that i can never forget which lecturer I hated

oh god, have I ever say it here that there's a lecturer last semester that continously hate-me looking?
ok, lets make it short
there's a YOUNG female lecturer teaching something I hate. and da, SHE HATES ME, a lot.
maybe more that a lot.

I actually planned to mail her something this holiday
but i ended up not.
because the time i decided so was when i think she is ok with comments
and the time i'm certain of doing so was when she told us she will not be seeing us this coming sem

right before the exam start, i learn that she is......$#^&$*^&^T.....just something totally different from what i've expected.


and with the screw-up level i've done in her paper
she's gonna eat me alive this new semester

haizzz....I never know what have I done to earn this

nightmares just by thinking i'm seeing her again.
and i have to act like i respect her a lot. EWWW!
leekahinn is a FAKER! fake fake fake!

sometimes I just hope "block" features like MSN and Facebook were real
just a click and "phoof!" you're gone forever until I allow you back or....system down.

there's ton lots of people i intended to block

I actually wanna say something to do with me losing one of my once-BEST-friend.

but not now. some other time after I'm confident of telling it out without too straightforward

just later.

I'm done with photos from Kuala Sepetang.
the food was like...AWHHHH! seducing..especially with the price.

I'm thinking of what else to write
because i feel sad of just ending this post like this
and......the photos are not done uploading YET.

saw a lot of people celebrating mooncake festival
and i was like....I didn't even know it was today.
until i see those news feed and those photos
my mum asked me why am i home and she supposed to hear me hanging out at friend's place

ha. my mum. she likes to ask me why don't I hang out when I'm home,
and ask me to be home when I'm out.
yea yea yea...I give those impression of poor self-management

to my parents, lecturers, or even some friends
they just couldn't help thinking I'm someone with poor self management
well. yea, thats cool
at least I'm kinda like covered under this fake truth

am having a new wish this recent
I wanna be on a train that brings me somewhere far far away.
Where affordable.
Where I will sleep on the train and wake up with the sunlight kissing my face
and I will have butter croissant plus a cup of hot chocolate
and I will bring my bags and started walking around and finally,
i will reach a hotel
and somebody will be there waiting for me as a surprise
I shouted, I ran to that person.
we hugged. we smiled. I weep.
then the person tell me stories and give me a big cheesecake

what a long and precise dream,
yea, when I'm free, I design, or should I say decorate?, whatever
i, urm....., design my dream and add in bits by bits all those details

afterall, i just want a sweet escape..

my grandma is cute.

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

You........are, the ONLY exception

All my friends left.
and I'm here all alone to feel the miserables and the empty

I sent her off at the airport.
I sent her off at the busstop.
I met her few times before she left.

and thats how things reach a comma
I stood and see around
nothing seems to be familiar
and there I fell
into this big hole of emotions

I'm suffocating
and I cry in between

"What's with crying" they ask
"Nothing, I'm just hoping for some consolation" I answered
".....well. COOL" they replied
"good luck" they added.

I stopped crying and stared at them

"oh hey, why don't you just continue staring at me and never remember that you were crying?"

WHo are they?
my imaginary friends that is.

I do miss my friends.
you know, like when you suddenly been thrown into a chance of going wild in your mind
you started moving backwards and get amazed by memories
Like watching an old film
Like listening an old song

and you will smile
and maybe send an sms to those knowing your names
some craps or just a smiley face

because you want to share with them the joy
of having them in your life

and also to have time without them around
to remember bit by bit the moments they were there

the laughters
the songs
the people
the atmosphere

and you never feel PRESSURED remembering these
cause you know
this are no memories,
they are what you are.

** People going through hard times in life
are similar to the iron being burned in the fire
we get to be taught of when where and how to soft down.**

There's always that one night
where no matter what happen
you just know and for sure that
those moments you had together with your friends
they last forever
and no matter what happens in the winter
the day after tomorrow,
that one night, will be all the warms and temperature you need.

Thursday, 9 September 2010

Where should I end my year?

again, i'm holiday. kicked start with a bad night

I'm hanging out with friends tomorrow.
and my mum say its Raya. so there will be lotsa car type of story start popping up
and so, i am not allowed to drive to penang.
i understand the rationale behind, although i don't really agree

but it feels terrible
when ..... i feel that disapproval again

my mum used to disapprove my lifestyle, friends, thinkings and everything
then i decided to learn becoming a good girl
which i always failed with my weight
seriously who's gonna like it when you are reminded of how ugly and fat and redundant your existent is

I don't like it.

I hate it twice as much when my mum look at me and "tzk tzk tzk" when i'm eating something.
I hate it twice as much when my mum look at me and say I will never get a job for my size being enormously huge.
I hate it twice as much when my mum seeing me looking at fashion-socalled-related stuffs and say I am too ugly for all those stuffs
I hate it twice as much when my mum ask me questions sarcastically and giving an image of i'm having wrong people as friends
I hate it twice as much when my mum come to me and ask like "your friend din give u birthday present this year ar? i thought u all so good"
I hate it twice as much when i let off all my emotions in the middle of no where and feel like being swollen into deep deep loneliness.
I hate it that i cannot hate her because she is my mum
I hate it that i promised myself i shall try my best not to talk her back. \
I hate it that when i was so frustrated about life, all i can do is on my headset and start my simple plan.

I heard this from a movie trailer (Eat, Pray Love) today:
"I lost my appetite over my life! I wanna get it back."

I wanna say I lost my appetite over building a sweet mother-daughter relationship

i thought i had changed things bit by bit
but fairly on the ground, nothing ever moved an inch
all i have done is nothing but some air evaporated into the surroundings--not even remembered.
I thought I ROCK the world but I am the only one who thought.

there's a quote sound this way:

"If your happiness rely on how people treat you, you will forever and ever rely on this kind donation of others"

But all i ever wished for is a mother-daughter relationship like those on tv
things just never turn out right
my mum is always of the opinion of my brother

I hate it when my mum agreed with all my brother mentioned and look at me wondering why am i not even 0.1% alike of my brother

She say my brother has this awesome command of english and math and life
She say my brother would have done a zillion better than me if he were to take accounting
She say my brother would always be the coolest boy that ignores all the gossip about family.

mum, I'm sorry if i give you the image of me fancy those gossips.
I actually do know some of them and you somehow repeated them a couple of times.
but i dunno wat else to ask, so i ask the same thing again and again
so at least the atmosphere wouldnt be that awkward.

i'm jealous of my brother maybe,
because i never reaches any level of his
you know, getting good results, being a good boy, respectful, humourous
i wonder where did i get these positive side of his
from what i was told by my parents ?

I think I really sucks

I failed to get that 100% scholarship and i only got 50%...

I never ever forget that night where i happily come home telling my mum i have A for my Econ test and my mum answered me "wouldn't you think if your brother is doing your course, he will do so much better than you do"

I can never forget my emotion that one moment.

It was like on a spoilt roller coaster that the ride is thrown up to the sky and


down to ground again.
That day onwards, i got fed up.

i started go round sorting things outta mylife.
but i ended up still here.
I feel i changed a lot. but who else bothers?
i think i'm lucky to have some people i call friends.
at least, I know, I do exist in a way.

This is the movie trailer I'm talking about

"Eat Pray Love"

Its based on true REAL LIFE story

a woman got fed up with her daily endless routine life and

decided to go find back attitude to life." width="600" height="370" wmode="transparent" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" name="Metacafe_4695304" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash">
EAT PRAY LOVE: Movie Trailer - Click here for more blooper videos

*****************it was supposed to be a happy night.
*****************the first night of my 2 weeks semester break
*****************but i ended up pouring my emotions on the table
***************************************************I'm tired.
*****************I just wanna get some sleep right now
**********************************and by tomorrow,
**********************************as sun shines again
**********************************I will be back alive.

till then,

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

the day after tomorrow

considering the fact that i'd lose my cyber life after my exam
i think i should blog just a lil bit more.

its going to be a holiday after the exam
and freaking TWO WEEKS holiday after 16 weeks of suffering
damn this is my college
cruel mean BULLSHIT

and i think my parents are a lil upset for i am not going to work this holiday
this 2 week holiday
KFC somewhere near my house is hiring
temporary worker during that puasa period
but sorry
i have my friends to accompany
i know i sucks cause i never work like my brother during his holiday
but my friends, i couldn't afford less spend a second with them
especially when we are all going to be APART
seriously APART
my mum kept telling that if she were to be me, she would have bla bla bla bla
sorry mum
i just, wanna keep my friends accompanied, even for less than a week's time
i know i appears to be naive and ignorant sometimes, OKAY, most of the times. (==)
but i just wanted it that way.
call me childish or whatever you may like
i am living my life the way i want, regardless of anything else.

you wanna call this "teenage disobeying behaviour" or what up to you
i am living my last few years of study life.

and this doesn't mean i'm going bad.
i just, put fun on top of everything else.

*oh! goddamn cutie! my IE couldnt run youtube page.
so i think i am not very ready yet for tomorrows dm exam
and if i ever come back here times later crying for my result
remind of this post
and i will be reminded of the time i wasted which i could have used it for DM revisionssss....
its truly unfair when im dealling with terrible questions yet i see vacation posts on facebook every minutes?
again, i have a college with an independant scheduling policy.
my lecturers used to go mad even we only have a day off throughout the semester
"not enough time" they say.
If i were to study in a hard way, then i go mad in a hard way too.

damn you whoever created exam!

my laptop is somehow terribly sick
and i spoilt my desktop like...few days ago
i dunno where did i earn all my bad luck
if i know i wouldnt be here trying to learn this so called DM

tomorrow is my last paper
and i am getting moodless
damn it
why the hardest paper on the last?
i have terrible control over my mood to study
and my can't-wait-to-enjoy mood
especially after this whole long sem

Many things happened this semster.
people left. car came. life changed. new friends made.
its hard to handle all these without a thorough thoughts or something

I have quite some subjects this semester
other than english, i cant seem to find a subject that i am interested

as i study my boooks. i double hate my lecturers
its goddamnit freakin hard
the calculation is just.........dunno what

i somehow sit in the class during my exams
i continuosly tell myself:
"leekahinn, get a way out. this is not what i want. go get me something called LIFE."
and i am draqing spongebob and patrick all over my papers.
friends shook their head seeing me do so
yea, i think they're getting fed up of my spongie bobbie and paterikey

some of the papers i was like....drawing figure-like substance
i am not fishing for compliments folks
when i say i screw a big big time
i mean i screw a big big time
tomorrow is my dm paper
another bullshit paper meant to slaughter students

yet i am sitting here figuring out the figures and whatsoever
what;s this all about?
damn it bullshit

i feel terrible.
terribly terrible.
i just don't know what to do
the questions are suffocating meeeeee
and i am one very lazy climb out to reach that warmy sunny again

that virus is really bothering!
can someone kindly had it fuck off!
i am so pissed that i wanna smash my laptop on the ground to have the virus fell out!

damn you whoever created exam!

Thursday, 2 September 2010


although you screw your AFA exams like nobody's business
you still have the right to rock and roll

and ROBERTO, welcome to the family!

**i am worried bout my exams
but what to do?
worrying is UNHELPFUL each and everytime.


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