The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


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走到了懸崖邊 才知道跳下去需要莫大的勇氣
轉回頭 才知道面對遺憾所需要的勇氣 更巨大

呼喊著勇敢的人 通常還沒有跌倒
真的見識過勇敢的人  總是輕輕撫摸著自己的傷痕
細細的呵護自己 粉身碎骨的勇敢

當有人意猶未盡地看著我 饒有興致的問我  “你怕嗎”
我說 我不知道 他說 當初就是因為不知道

不知道是很了不起的 因為三個字 就是一切

我問過我自己 21歲談遺憾 談失敗 會不會太早了
那如果不是遺憾 我心底那一股淡淡的 揮之不去的 炊煙裊裊的 一團霧 是什麼

因為一句 “少年不識愁滋味 為賦新詞強說愁”
好像變成 只要你還年輕 你就沒有資格 愁
但其實 我們聽得見的 當所謂的勇氣 狂妄 力量 一點一滴地化入風中
當我們把手睜開 用盡力氣 卻留不下什麼
我們終於學會了空虛 無助 和傷心

不覺得很神奇嗎  學校從來沒有教過什麼是空虛 什麼是寂寞 什麼是無助 什麼是我心已死
但我們都懂得 也許看連續劇 也許一首歌 也許一段情 也許曾經如此
我們都心領神會 可以好好的分辨 自己究竟是怎麼了
把情緒 好好的 細細的 完整的 剖析的 分解

當所有所有的夢想 都寄放在一首歌 一堆文字 猶如牆上的一抹蚊子血
誰 也不再去看一眼 但 卻就是 礙眼
誰會忘記自己的夢想 都是可以忽略的 忽略以後 學會說 “年少,輕狂”

折衷嗎?放棄嗎? 不重要了

有些人說 不堅持到最後 就會被鄙視 但是 不要一桿子打翻整船人好嗎?

我明白 力不從心 其實 力不從心 也是選擇
只要心甘情願 那就快樂吧

生活啊  怎麼 會有一百種?

人生本來就是來經歷的 如果 我什麼都沒有走過 那有什麼
貧窮 富有 快樂 傷悲 憤怒 傷心 興奮 嫉妒 羨慕 喜歡 深愛 怨恨 討厭.........
這一切不過是一種經歷  像是一種收集
有的你有 別人沒有 有的別人有 你沒有
我們當然只會羨慕 別人有 自己沒有的  自己有的還羨慕什麼
就像集郵那樣  你有你的一整套 我有我的一整套
我們可以交換 我們可以尋找 我們可以欣賞 我們可以重複

是啊 人生 很像集郵 噢。

我可以洋洋灑灑的 寫
卻無法瀟瀟灑灑的 活

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我喜歡 懸崖 因為 曠闊 
生命何許遼闊 我想要 努力的 擴展

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有一回下班 看見彩虹 就是怎麼也沒有辦法 拍好來
彩虹拍在照片裡 卻變得無比的渺小
所以我懂得了 這是上天給我的小禮物
這些上天的賜予 只要送到我面前 我會毫不留情的收下
這是對自己的信任 我相信 我值得

其實有故事 不是照片 是我們自己
是我們衝著一張張的的照片 在回憶裡翻箱倒篋
照片的背後 是我們的曾經
美麗的不是照片 是我們 生活裡曾經滲入的美好

長大後終於坦然面對 這世界沒有永遠
成長的後遺症 慢慢的 侵入我們的身體
把我們與世界同化 讓世界將我們完美的 馴服

有的人此刻選擇叛逆 有的人選擇不聞不問 有的人不知不覺
但不管怎樣 我們還活著 還在 創造着 明天的回憶

所以 我又哼起了
“整個世界 停止 不轉動 很寂寞 走在海邊 數著 螢火蟲 好困惑 想要的生活 怎麼有一百種 該怎麼走誰來告訴我..............”

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Tuesday, 29 March 2011

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我又回到了 時間仍在,是我們在飛逝

誰可曾料到 今日我會在這裡
今天看飯糰之家 聽著顏心亞說再也走不動了
我心頭莫名湧起了一幕幕 再也走不動的自己

有的時候是因為 捨不得 有的時候是因為 不勇敢

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Monday, 28 March 2011


Monday morning. and its getting creepy in here.
I’m still in the search for a solution to make me “like” my job.
It feels more like something is blocking my way but I haven’t even take a good look at it.
It shouldn’t have been this terrible aint?
When I was on my way this morning, I looked around me and started asking, how many of them are feeling miserable as I do? Everyone is in nice formal outfit, in the car, staring at the traffic light. I feel like Im some sort of kids running around in a function full of serious adult. They are so tall, so tall that I cannot really tell their emotions behind their expressions.

I ran around, refusing to settle down. I tripped over the waiter, I hide under the tables. I still take my life as a playground, where I thought everything wouldn’t be a trouble. I might fall, but I will stand back up. I might hurt, but parents will make it up. which I still think I’m a lil kid without responsibility.

Cousins were here last weekend. for cheng beng.

He just ended his SPM. Somehow its like a tornado that hit our house. everyone is giving their very own opinion on  tertiary education stuffs. like grandma, aunty uncles, everyone.

I sat aside and sometimes join for a sentence or two. Its been years, since my SPM sittings. And it still feels like yesterday, minus the fact that I forgot what paper I’ve taken.

Its like yesterday when I first stepped into the form 5 class. Then I helped Jocelyn to move the tables to get ourselves seated. Then chingu was late, like very usual. She arrived when we were about to get to the field for assembly. Everyone is moving that way but she is moving the opposite, something like getting her way through a huge wave, of people.

I was relieved, for I thought I would have to be alone in that assembly with people I barely knows.

Soon after, we are already in the middle of the year, where our tables and chairs have switched a little. and so called 613 is grouped. And I thought we could stay 613 forever.

well, what else? Humanity Disagreements popped up. So stories changed its character for a bit. And we were found in Auto City in our uniforms enjoying lunch, in a bunch.

Its just a messy bunch where food lovers randomly stumble.

then we got exams, we got fails, mostly fails of course. Then we lost our shame-over-lousy-results. Form 5 wasn’t that easy, because no parents would be okay seeing their kids feeling zero sadness over lousy result. Parents are in fear that we’re gonna lose our future forever and ever. This is the world, where a lil piece of paper named certificate could kill.

Parents nag us, we sleep in classes. Parents scolded us, we ponteng classes.
What a thinking. My form 5 wasn’t a huge difference from many out there. I hate some teachers, I heart some teachers, I hate some schoolmates, I heart some schoolmates. I do nonsense in classes I hate, I listen attentively for at least 5 minutes before I fall asleep in classes I like.

Some said to me that, its better to get wild in high school than college.
Cause in high school, we take wild as “ignoring school rules”. But in college, where the school rules are no more tight, we have to “ignore the laws” to be qualified as wild.

This statement isn’t a certain one. Just, I did see some examples that fit.

All I know was that, I really studied like a student should during diploma. I attend classes, study for exams, do assignments. Guess partly owing to 9blades, for he assured that hard work pays, by taking himself as the example. So I believed in.

From form 5, to college, until now. Like blogging, you write and you write, until one day you realize you can never finish reading all the past in one shot.

ha. I received an email sent by me a year ago. The feeling is rather complicated. She asked me some question, for example like Have you got a lomo cam?

Yes I do. and I still like lomo, and she should be proud of that. then she asked me about blackberry. No, I haven’t got one, and is already in the process of thinking not having one. don’t be sad, it’s a not-now thing, maybe sometime later I guess.

then she mentioned about our friend. ya. my best ever friend. we are still in touch, better than ever. This is good, at least I kept her one thing she treasured.

and then  613. Nope, we didn’t meet up during 613. not for the whole 2010 I guess. As we drifts apart, I haven’t even talk to some of the 613 since dunno when. I miss them from time to time, cause when we were all together, I felt “belonged”. but now, I walked through that, I miss them, but daily, I am quietly fantastic. 613 still exist, facebook-ly.

but good news is we’ve tried at least once to get real drunk. though we didn’t really got drunk, its our funny 2 friends that did, outrageously. hahaa. but we did enjoy that night, with cakes, with tiny fireworks, with funny jokes, with snacks.

then we learnt to say goodbye. Goodbye to them. We hugged and wished. like some really mature-yet-so-cool manner. cause we never cry. until it’s a lonely night again, before we look at the empty room and falls apart.

Time flies like in a blink of eye when we couldn’t bear to leave what we used to be. Though I used to thought working is gonna be fun with paycheque, but now, how I wish I could be a student forever and ever, studying from courses to courses.

chicken out from facing the reality. shit.

I tried calling a client twice today. Not in. both timing I was told she is out for lunch. Then I passed by mrs boss’s room, at 130pm. I accidentally saw her having lunch.

now, if you’re the boss, your lunch break could be half a day starting from whenever you want. I’m jealous. and I have always hated this company’s environment and atmosphere.

I am not always hungry between 1230-0130. I might only feel like eating after 0130. plus, sometimes, after I finish eating, that shouldn’t mean I am ready for work. damnit, so why must you fix your lunch time like oh, my workers MUST eat their lunch at 1230pm no matter if they are hungry or not.

Why cant you just fix a duration, and let me decide on the starting time? Its my fucking business if I wanna have my lunch at 430 to 530.

I learned a word, “China-men Company”. nothing against Chinese or men…or even company, its just a name to this kind of environment formally originated from mostly china-men founded company.

if you watch hongkong drama, you should catch the meaning.

argh. if I were to be at home right now, I will be on PPS. searching for crime movies. like silence lambs. And then I will have it started loading, where I go watch tv. or read some newspaper, or get a bite, or……. just hang around.

awh, happiness.

but look at me now. sitting in front of the computer, typing  all these in a minimize Microsoft word window, using my huge body to block the sight of mrs. boss on my computer, imagining how better things could have been, pretending to stare at some checklist of work undone, THIS IS WTF.

I told my friends about this brand-maniac I met the other day. They say bear with them, for I have no idea how better it makes me look when I am with some brand-maniac. right.

I found  9blades book yesterday in popular. Its very inconsiderate to have his 2 books out at once, its hard to decide which to buy! good for me, I have a slim purse, he kinda like appreciates its moments with money, so I resisted.

in simple language, I found my long-waited books yesterday with a okay price and YET I buy none.

I want my killer lar. and I googled that ou yang pen zai’s movie is soon to be on theatre. great, bad part is that jam Hsiao is playing my favourite ou yang pen zai. OMG. I don’t know. I don’t know. I don’t know what to expect.

and I wonder who will be that King of Gamble on the ship. I am not gonna expect either.


lol. teehee reminded me of nigahiga. I wasn’t really into his humors, but his speeding talks often get me. I like to replay it over and over again, its funny, it works like a radio.

craps. all craps. I hate my job.

Some say they can write a book about how good internship is.
For me, I can write an ENCYCLOPEDIA, about how much bad internship harm my enjoyable life.

*Frankly, I’m just feeling miserable and wanna trade this life for something new. deep down, I know the kind of senior I’m having is good enough. I learn to appreciate. but not in a 100% dedicated way.

Sunday, 27 March 2011


我收到信的時候 我愣住了 然後 很興奮
因為真的想不起 自己寫過什麼了
我會好好地寫一封回信 也會好好的 再寫一封寄出去
因為這一種感覺很特別 只要有所期待 我就會繼續寫 讓以後的自己會心一笑 或者 痛哭一場

*Give me some sunshine, give me some rain, give me another chance, I wanna grow up once again.
 --Give me some sunshine, Suraj Jagan & Sharman Joshi

是啊 如果可以再重來 我會希望 也可以順便 停滯不前
有一些東西 我沒有 仔細的品味  而之後 也不曾再有機會

聽著的歌 彷彿都在提醒我關於那些過去
就像新的部落格標題照片 現在的我 正悄悄的神奇啊
悄悄的神奇是Quietly Fantastic的google translate,覺得還不錯就用上了
時間仍在,是我們在飛逝的李佳恩 我真的離開你好久了
偶爾我還是會去找你 雖然你都不在了 只剩下字裡行間 那若隱若現的畫面 時而清晰 時而模糊
我讀著你的種種 然後我繼續寫我的種種
謝謝你開始了 也謝謝我們大家堅持了

我已經學會不去後悔 不論我曾經多麼消極潦倒前途無光世界黑暗
我們走了過來 當那些所謂的痛苦終於變成累積  變成收藏
生活就是 生下來 活下去

我已經明白 面對恐懼 就是面對,接受,走過,結束。
你會高興的 當你知道我已經明白這一句
也許過程讓人不勝唏噓 但 都過去了

而 我 不曾後悔 你

即使我知道你知道你很糟 而我也知道 這一路走來的崎嶇
謝謝你留給我的一切 我會 打起精神 好好的活下去 

搖滾的 過一輩子


別傻了 你 已經 開始快樂了

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From the pass.

Dear FutureMe,  

I'm here, telling you something, which I want you to not forget. 

 TangZhiLin is our best ever friend. 
Please make sure you're still in touch with her, and love her more than I do. 

Is 613 still the 613 I'm having? I wish they are. 
Did we meet up for 2010?

and we had a blog, remember? 
Go there if you're missing me.
I've all the other us there. 
Are you still writing that blog? If you're not, please do so.
Me, and all the other passed us would want you to do so..! 

 Today is 26th March 2010. I've just got back from a shopping and movie with zhilin. We shopped for the needies we gonna need this coming sunday..because WE'RE GOING TO GENTING!! if only you still remember how exciting I've been. 

How is your life actually? 
Did you slimmed down? 
Are you having friends in Adv Diploma? 
are you in a relationship? 
do you still feel lost like i used to?
do you have a lomo already?(i always wanted one you know?) 
oh! and i've been wanting a blackberry! do you have one? 
How i wish i'd have response from you,but its always me talking, you listening, me living, you remembering. 

Do you still like Mayday? Crowd LU?
I love them so much! 
Just to remind you a lil, I have all their songs in my laptop! 

oh hey! how is your guitar? getting any better?
I hope you do...I will try working on it as soon as i'm back from the genting trip alright? 

 OH GOSH! there's so many question!
These are all my expectations, my dreams...
Don't feel bad for not fulfilling my dreams.
Mine are already passed. You should go for yours.
Don't be like me, chicken out in every critical situation.
Go Girl!

I've been such a loser throughout the pass few years,
and I'm definitely regretting so.
Please stop being me and define yourself.
Put an end to all those negative I had. 

 Feel Free, Be Free.
and hopefully, Quietly Fantastic.
I wish you all the best.
Future me. 
 I'm studying hard, because I love you,
and I want you to have only good. 
please keep doing so, for all the other us. 

Love Life. 
Love You. 
Love US.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Good morning earthians. Its Friday today, so HURRAY! duh. so how did I actually spent my week? oh, I torture myself through it. nawh, not that terrible.

first I met up with chingu on Monday. freaking its her birthday, WE ARE AT THE DOORSTEP OF 2NE1! like so cool, Im planning to use this as an excuse so I can get a pair of shoes from f21. just saying.

*I miss you chingu lin.

Then its Tuesday, as very unusual, I went home as late as 6.45pm. It’s a record dude! I’ve never stayed such long, seeing everyone else leave….SUCKS. I was expecting for chestersee’s  music which it turned out, unavailable yet. And I couldn’t help but checking over and over again about my parcel.

Then Wednesday made its way in, I finally got to watch chestersee with his new song, which is sooooo….wondering? whatever. And urm, its SPM result day, my mum asked me what paper did I took for SPM, and until now, I still fail to recall. not to even mention the grades. ==

and then finally Thursday stopped by. Nothing much happened on Thursday, the most memorable of the day should be the superb fried rice lunch from my mum. I’ve got all those chili padi and…..eggs, galic, garlic, garlic, onion, onion, onion…….

so now, its Friday again. weee weee HA HA HA! and my background music for today should be…..”this is not the end, this is not the beginning….” and “ cause I was so high and now Im so low…”

just random. Tomorrow is our own-scheduled cheng beng day. SO we’re going to visit grandpa, and invite him home for dinner. and I still remember last year I asked grandpa to go home with my car, and that night, the car number I’m driving, went on a strike. though none of us bought. This year I’m still gonna do the same, except I learned to handle the bumps better. Now that I wish grandpa would feel comfortable, afterall, I AM A DRIVER for quite sometime okay.

right. Im feeling like standing up and walk around, I have to resist myself from shaking my leg. argh………………………………

Just because you’re breathing and not owning a death certificate, that doesn’t mean you are living. It takes so much more elses.

lol. I have no idea what have I just written.

signed out. 12.58pm, office.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

回忆的泥土,让生命有厚度- 明天的记忆,孙燕姿

有的时候 我深深地相信我会离开 深信不疑
而有的时候 我埋头过我的生活 好像 我的不甘心 不是我的
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当我抬头 事实摆在眼前
我可以选择 自欺欺人 或者 无奈接受
但我决定告诉自己 我只是换了一种方式
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我需要 好好的过我的生活
我突然记起妻子的诱惑里面 一直出现的一句对白
“现在开始 打起精神来好好活下去”
是啊 不管怎样 我都必须好好经营我的生活
因为 在我的生命尽头 死的是我
所以我有责任在那之前好好的 挥霍

听着我喜欢的歌 读我喜欢的小说 想念我喜欢的人
至少 我知道 我喜欢什么 不喜欢什么 鄙视什么

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现在怀念宿舍的悬崖边 那是一个我们谈天说地的地方
手中拎着路上买的啤酒 就这么一口一口的喝着

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我没有喝醉过 至少 啤酒很贵 我没有那个本钱

有一天啊 我也会美丽 因为 我也收集了 好长的一段过去

我努力记得 因为 我喜欢 活过的感觉
好像午后一抹淡淡的 艳阳 没有留下任何痕迹
可是 你永远 不会忘记那一道光 和那一个温度
还有 那一种 独特的 懒散

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- 明天的记忆,孙燕姿

Internship of an intern-dont-wanna-be

I have a stack of papers. which I don’t know what to do with them. WTF. the arrangements are so messed up. I’m an auditor. not a file keeper honey. and WTF again, UK has tighten their requirements and standards for those wanna work oversea..and this is mtfbs. T.T feeling so sooooooo sad. I wanna work in UK like so desperately.

awh. 6 13. I miss 613. miss them very very badly.  its only freaking 2pm
I wanna on my facebook. and go conteng conteng on somebody else’s wall. maybe chingu lin or whoever. I miss times with them. and all Im asking for now is to sing karaoke!!! I wan a karaoke sessionnnnn!!!!!!!GRRRR

3pm going to be….im dying slowly. like really slowly. I AM NOT A WORKING MANIAC. UTMOST CERTAINLY NOT

in the middle of September we still pay out in the rain, nothing to lose but everything to gain. imagining of how things should have been. the memories remain

then again its 3pm RIGHT NOW. 2 and a half hour more before im a free soul again. oh wow. I need to change my mindset into something positive about my job. its killing me softly. im losing my mood to work. some once said that office job Is good. You get to sit all day long. now let me tell you something, Life Is fair, those who get to sit all day long, can ONLY sit all day long. and we’re like so syok right? we only flip through some papers, write a few words, sign sign sign, wear like a oh-so-trendy OL and get to wear high heels around.

oh whoever thought this way, SCREW YOUR BRAIN. you come sit at my place and do my job. then I can go back home and smell my blanket. == damnit I miss my blanketssss!

Wednesday wednesay Wednesday. there’s a poet we read during high school that start off like this “Tomorrow, tomorrow and tomorrow”. honestly, I still cant really differenciate lyrics and poet. and of course I prefer lyrics. music was like the soul.

Every different tone on different words will mean differently. Which is why musicians can go really mad if they just cant get that balance straight out between the words and the musics. the combination should be in the same direction as the underlying message, or better, the means of the song itself

I’ve got my BA Files…lol. out of no where im starting to feel happy as its already 4pm. I think I forgot that I may as well have to stay until 645pm like how I just did yesterday.

well whatever. aiks aiks aiks!

oh hey, guess what. I just browse through….alright. I study DETAILY into the calendar, and I counted again and again and double-confirmed--this is what I mean by “browse through”, I have 5 weeks left. notice that my sentence will be better with “only” but I PURPOSELY skip it so as its my style to keep all my excitedness lower down and let them all burst at once! *baby you’re FIREWORKS!

this is ROCK N ROLL de style!

then again, when staying here for a minute is already somewhat KILLING, I wonder what to be excited off when it comes to ONE AND A QUARTER MONTHS.

it was like just yesterday. when I was chatting with friends about how nervous and partial…TINY LIL PARTIAL excited about this internship. That was before I stepped in here on the 7th of February. (swear im not gonna forget this date)

its already 445pm. mrs boss just left. and i swear im gonna post this thing right up.

as a proof that im Quietly Fantastic every time every where. 

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Out with old, in with new.

so its my first day staying up almost as late as Ms.Eng
645pm when i left. WTF.  I used to be grumbling when I leave at 545pm
well. karma can get real bitchy at times
I asked God to sayang me a little to let me leave 530pm sharp yesterday
and now he asked it back, i leave 645pm SHARP SHARP. lol
its worth it afterall.

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so then i dunno what to say. ha
actually i just read some wannabe's blog, and they got me all so speechless.
wannabe. I talked to chingu about this. I still see random people act oh-so-stupid because of this wannabe.
and I think I'm thankful to God that somehow somewhere I'm guided to whom I am
Everyone was bornt original, until some decided to die a copy. to make it worst, PIRATE copy.
well thats how things work. Mankind are all randomly distributed. People from different standpoint look out at the world feeling "what a weird world im in".

Just because people dont think the way i am, that dont make them the loser.
well. screw this. I still think they are. haahhahahahhahah

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those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
and those who fail to learn through their lives, are condemned to fail it.

ah, whatever. Most people think they are better off without any advice.
and others? duh, they cant spell advice. oh hey, is it advice or advise?

since we were all bornt original, it should make sense that we don't accept advices.
(yeah i checked, advice.)
I used to get really mad, like I-M-GONNA-TEAR-YOU-DOWN-ARGHHHH mad.
when I'm advising and that who-whatever is ignoring
but now i learned that, if somebody is advising, the most i will make up to him would be PRETENDING to not ignore.
Lady Gaga taught me Its okay to be different. Pink taught its important to feel good about yourself. Bruno Mars taught me I could be perfect for somebody else. Eminem taught me that life is hard but you can make it through. Taylor Swift taught me not every guy is going to treat me right.  Ke$ha taught me to be yourself. Michael Jackson taught me to love the people around me.
ya. lady gaga taught me its okay to be different. I may not be that obsess with lady gaga. for that I haven't heard her so called latest song. But she is somebody that shake everyone hardly shouting "YO MAN! JUST BE YOURSELF! AND START FEEL GOOD ABOUT IT!!!!!"
she rocks in the sense that, she holds nothing back in being whom she want. and i admire her that.
well thats another story. I wanna bath right now. like the rain, I want something to be washed away from me, maybe the speechless, or the unknown sadness, or.....lost. just let the rain wash away, all the pain of yesterday.

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Quietly Fantastic.
*Im serious.whenever my parents approve, i will tattoo Quietly Fantastic on me. 

Monday, 21 March 2011

让明天把今天给记住 不是因为孤独

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今天是亲菇的生日 然后我们什么都没多做
安安分分地在一起吃一顿 聊了好多 不着边际的好多
这是一种很不一样的感觉 我总是可以跟她说很多东西
真好 可以肆无忌惮无后顾之忧的噼里啪啦 把所有都吐出来
去年的生日我们有四个人 我们吃了一顿好的 蛋糕 礼物 和我个人很喜欢的创意蛋糕
还真后悔去年太尽兴了 今年什么点子都没有

之前看着日子慢慢逼近 可是心里不会有一种很紧张的感觉
因为 我就是没有那个心情 而且我相信我的好朋友会理解
是啊 能见面就很好了 只要能见面 看到彼此 我就 很满足了

我一直很庆幸 我在我的朋友们面前 还是我自己
所以我不会有压力 他们在我非常失败的时候 就义无反顾地挺我
在我人生的最低点 这一些人陪我猖獗 这样就足够了

我知道朋友时可遇不可求的 因为可以碰巧在你最需要的时候刚刚好出现
但是以前我不懂 以前不明白珍惜是什么
是啊 王力宏说的对 “失去 才会懂得珍惜”

一个人 重温着昔日灿烂的日子
唉 有人跟我说 火箭近看很丑 就是一大堆的铁 但是它飞远了 却像星星 闪烁的星星
像生活吗? 总是觉得自己活在苦难之中 但是回头望的时候 还是最怀念那一段时光

最痛苦的日子 往往决定了很大部分的 未来的你

亲菇的生日 当我跟她说 诶 抱歉 我什么都没有准备 改天我们在一起庆祝
其实我的内心 并没有真的内疚到不知所措 真好
因为我一直相信她不会怎样 她不会 因为 她是我的朋友 我的好朋友

在我很失意的时候 在我很心灰意冷的时候 在我什么都不是的时候
她就站在我身旁 挺我

我一直想着那一句她说的话 “能像这样见面 就很好了”

是啊 生活 总是逼着我们学习什么是降低标准
以前我会很想要招摇过市 要发光发热的挥霍这一天
但现在我也觉得 只要几个朋友 大家在一起 聊聊天 见见面
这已经很不错了 对于所谓的幸福 要求越来越少 这样算不算是成长?

孙燕姿唱过 “是否成人的世界背后总有残缺?”

听过孙燕姿 愚人的国度吗?

愚人的国度 其实不一定得是爱情 因为当我听着这一首歌
我浮现的 是我对于青春期的感觉
爱是愚人的国度,看我们演得好辛苦,是 你所谓的领悟,我不懂 我不哭 ,看悲欢喜怒每一步,是疲惫还是依赖的束缚。来 你能不能再重覆,让我懂 让我哭,再让时间停住,把自己看清楚,不必再说假如,我穿过一地荒芜,幸福不能碰触,爱是愚人的国度,不能自拔 不懂退出,我们都回不去最初,曾美丽但还是不满足,爱是自愚 愚人演出,一步一步 自我陷入,剧情 是笑 是哭”   --愚人的国度,孙燕姿

我害怕的东西很多 比如说害怕失去 当我看着自己相片里的人们 突然消失了
那该是多么慨叹的感觉啊 那是一种 悠悠地仰望天空 什么 无奈的感觉


陈紫宁 生日快乐 祝你
忽如一夜春风来 千树万树梨花开!


我们 改天一起生日吧

“回忆很美 未来很慢 我的故事因此写到一半
风吹着 我跑向远方
人要学会 停止流浪 我也一样 ”

诶陈紫宁 这首歌送回你 改天我生日你再送回给我

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*嘿哟 哪家的姑娘 咋地那么可爱!*

Thursday, 17 March 2011

情绪很多 我很镇定

*sometimes, I think its not the workload that I couldnt cope
its the initiative to take up responsibility

the last resort before I leave this "kids" world

internship was like a chance for me to peek into the real world
and I ask myself again and again
is this really, how i will spend the rest of my life?


-孙燕姿 任性

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就是有一年的圣诞节 有主办单位邀请她到红馆演唱
但孙燕姿拒绝了 好像说是因为圣诞节是要陪家人的

就是这一句话 即使她消失了这么多年 我还是义无反顾的挺她

之前也是因为迷路了 所以毅然决定离开一阵子

这是我觉得的 有个性 做自己

但就像五月天 我很少主动放来听

以前的歌手出专辑 重点在音乐 在想要表达的东西 
现在的 在于专辑销售量 在于钱
但所谓的商业化 还不都是我们逼出来的

因为如果不这样 就没有人喜欢你 没有人 会对你有兴趣

所以当卢广仲这一种标榜 “没有包装”的包装出现的时候

是啊 其实人生很多时候都想在绕口令不是吗
说什么不完美也是完美 没有包装也是包装

听着这一些歌 慢慢的解读自己

呵 多么矛盾的情绪啊

现在的我 正在整理着一个想法
那就是 大家所谓的 长大后 梦想就得像现实折衷 变成理想
然后长大后的人们 会慢慢地淡忘这一切一切

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这样说起来 总是带着酸酸的味道
像是被逼着 去过自己不想要过的生活
但是我现在在想的 或许 是因为我们学会了取舍
学会了周杰伦唱的 “追不到的梦想换个梦不就得了?”
以前我不赞成 因为心里永远憋着一股不甘愿 幽幽地耸动着
但现在 我觉得 有的梦想啊 握在手里会很沉重
但如果你把它高高的挂在院子里 任风吹 任雨淋 任逍遥

但自己就得用那些路边摊 好像天生的缺陷

但我走出来了 我可以接受别人迷恋名牌包

因为不管名牌包包再了不起 我都没有

才不是 是因为我正在学习取舍
学习怎么去做每一个选择 打起精神来好好的经营自己的人生
我希望我可以留下点什么 让自己 永远 不要忘掉
什么是 满腔热血
什么是 朝气蓬勃
什么是 不屈不挠
什么是 冥顽不灵
什么是 我的意见


“字不醉人 人自醉”

说的 真贴切
但 我们都被困在那些文字里头

我们深深地相信 自己的畏缩 就是寂寞

寂寞却始终还是沉默 因为这就是寂寞
寂寞 真的 就是 一个人 的喧嚣吧

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像掉进一个悬崖 跌太深 爬不出来
一直在 苟延残喘 的 青春
消失得太快 我负荷不来


Thursday, 10 March 2011

我们的感情蔓延滋长用文字培养 在虚拟土壤 -周杰伦

第一个 所谓 流行歌 的 偶像
但孙燕姿很红 在那个时候 很红就对了
一直到上了中学 我突然懂了很多字  懂了很多情绪
我还是很喜欢孙燕姿 但那个时候多了好多好多给我喜欢

每次想要听周杰伦 都会从七里香开始 然后点下随机播放
很少有这一种  不管什么歌跳出来 我都可以唱的
那个时候 喜欢周杰伦的孩子 被认为是幼稚的 趋于潮流的
即使那些孩子现在长大了 还是喜欢周杰伦 不过也被认为是 长不大
也许现在我没有想当初疯狂收集周杰伦一样 的痴迷
我在不明白那些歌词在讲什么的时候 就喜欢了
现在听来 周杰伦的歌之于我 已经不只是单纯的所谓音乐
还有当初那种叛逆的情绪 和残留 那时候 不管妈妈怎么说 我就是觉得周杰伦变态强
我就是 喜欢听他的歌 然后荒废学业

那个时候和表姐表弟特别喜欢他 我们会在去新山的路上大合唱

有的东西 曾经陪你走过一段路 从那时候起 就注定了你们对于彼此的不离不弃
甚至是依赖 又或是 羁绊

但人啊 绝对不只是一大群细胞 我们是有感情的 而感情 是复杂的
所以才会丰富 才会有常言道的 层次感

当我听到一把声音 内心汹涌的跳出来好多好多片段
人脑是复杂的 我们穷极一生可能也只用到百分之很少很少
所以没有认真地了解记忆回忆 这些到底是怎么运行的
也因此 当一些依稀 或者 隐隐约约 登时清晰

就像偶尔忙碌的生活当中 有人突然拍拍你的肩膀
再递给你一张 小时候的照片
可能你骑着老木马 可能你吮着手指头 可能你妈妈抱着你
可能你躺在旧家的床上 可能你光溜溜的在冲凉房玩水

可是你永远不会忘记的 即使那是你还不懂事 还没有记忆的年代
但你就是会微笑 然后说 啊 这么久了啊

仿佛昨日 才拿到人生第一笔零用钱
仿佛昨日 才第一次见识到情绪化

今天我听周杰伦 听孙燕姿 因为他们的歌 是我记忆的出发点
以他们为一个起点 我开始幻化我这一路的一幕幕
我看到的是当初的自己 满怀期待的 看着现时的自己

我不知道自己还能期待些什么 那个时候的我
希望现在的自己 可以离家出走 可以流浪 可以震撼世界

但现在的我 以上皆非 我还是一步一脚印 踏踏实实的走过来
而往后 我也打算这么走下去
我终于明白 什么是让自己失望比别人捅你一千刀还痛
我不敢再对未来的自己期望些什么 但我明白未来的我自己不可能不懂我
但有些事情 说白了 不过就是更深的伤口

也许有一天 她也会来这里 向我道歉
我都接受 也不能怎么样了 对自己太苛刻 像飞蛾扑火
辉煌 却 一去不回

以前的李佳恩 对不起 我努力了
而我 还是怀念你的勇往直前 是你带我到这里
但我却没有带你离开 我们一直 就这么转着圈圈




一个 我们都会很快乐的跑道。



Dear LeeKahInn of time remained, its us who faded,
I am Quietly Fantastic, right now at the moment.

wo ai ni.

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Wednesday, 9 March 2011

damn cold night.

so I sat in the car
listening to my mum mumbling about my expenses
I asked her why am I asked to pay for my own petrol when my bro neednt
suddenly she shouted and say my brother is different
then I fell into deep dark silence.

it has always been like this.

my brother used an old school phone but he used it for 6 years
I'm with a once-high-tech phone and its showing off problems at the age of 3

My brother hang out with friends doing mountaining and eating mee goreng
I hang out with friends which is more than 2 and we go karaoke, movies and expensive food

mum. seriously, if you're really annoyed with me having a car but not brother
please, I'd be more than happy to give it away

mum, the way you shouted when you answer my question
its so loud. so loud that, i couldnt help thinking, you're pissed by my question
because, yea, when my brother drive the car and bang it twice, you scolded
but you never ask for a cent. instead, you tell me that
"haiz, pity your brother, so tiring the journey"

mum. you would never be the same between us.

because you always tell me this
"your brother is really different. He thinks in a whole different way."

if it was me years ago, I'll bang every door to tell you that I'm pissed by the way you bias
but then I'm 21, I've got used to this topic, being the result of the pass 21 years

You've done a lot of things that I'm grateful of.
like taking me to Bali, where you said you wont wanna take me with you again next trip
like making me lunch and breakfast fuckin early every morning

dear mum, everytime i start to feel like a happy kid, there has to be something happen that wake me up
ever since the car is here, you never stop reminding yourself that I am a spoiled kid
for my brother is taking buses and I'm driving car like a boss

maybe i took it off the limit
but i hate it when you have to raise the comparison between me and brother
can i just say he is he and i am i

mum. when would you ever deal with the fact that, yea, you have a superb son, but a lil downgrade daughter, and start feeling ok about it?
sometimes I get tired trying to please you
I wear what you want me to, cause I don't really care how I look
but what I do care is you started looking at me like a "girl" daughter and is smiling seeing me in nice outfits

I'm sick of trembling in front of you

dear mum, i love you, like how i love this one small yet warming family
but sometimes, I feel like no matter how much I try,
you wont lay a second thought on me

when you were telling others about how terrible i am,
i wonder if they were your honest opinion about me
and when the answer stumble on me,          it hurts.

I will still wake up tomorrow morning making silly jokes
but this story is filed in.

I will keep on collecting moments like this
until that one day, I can really see the smile on your face saying:
"oh hey look, that's my daughter"

im sad. just sad
because i couldnt really be like somebody better so my family could be proud of me
i'm in a cheap college where the reputations are like...........X.X
and i dont look stunning like others daughter
if you throw me into a sea of people, i will drown.
i wont really sparkle like shooting stars

even though i appears to like writing, i never seem to be close to excel in so

i'm always the normal person. the ignorable person

my friend once told me that,
its natural for my mum to act like that. Because my brother is at far far away Sarawak. and i'm like at the next door...penang island. cause they don't have to worry much about you, so they think they kinda like owe it to your brother. which is why, if they buy you a car, they have this guilt that, far away son is so pity that he has to take a bus. its alright. just keep telling yourself this. bear with it. though it hurts still. just, bear with it.

well. what else could i possibly do?

leekahinn, its alright.
its nothing. you know deep down they will still care for you
they always know you're their daughter
just that sometimes, this isnt the main topic they are seeing
its ok
dont cry.
or maybe, cry,
and have a good night sleep
to forget it

damn cold night.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

我是 随便主义者
但你错了  人生来就是个复杂的个体

但我觉得 吃素的意义 不是在于不吃肉 减少世界上动物们的痛苦
的确 残杀动物是非常过火的行为 值得枪毙
然而我们吃素的意义 应该是围绕在 环保 健康 这类的醒悟吧
那很肤浅 吃素 应该包含了更深层的意义
比如  吃素,因为猪很可怜。所以你应该去了解的是 该怎么更设身处地的为别人着想
他们 生来 某部分就是注定要成为盘中餐
你拒绝吃他 不就剥夺了它生存的意义吗?
这里 我们应该 致力于研究如何把痛苦完全消除
姑且不论动物们是否感觉得到 这起码是对自己的交代

偶尔被人家说 吃肉的人是冷血的
我也说 我不吃狗肉,太残忍了。但我最爱吃牛肉。阿牛,对不起。

所以 把狗的痛苦 移到牛的身上
李佳恩 你真是肤浅的假爱心

狮子王他老爸说的不错 这世界 是一个圈
食物链 食物网 阶层金字塔
这一切都是息息相关的 我无法说服自己相信
不杀生 就是有慈悲心
我相信的 是找到问题的根本 把它彻底解决
我不喜欢 用避免 或者 禁止 还是 拒绝 来解决问题
你想过 如果全世界都吃肉 那多少人得要失业 犯罪率得提高多少吗?
这还是很基本的 接踵而来的还有很多 事情不能单方面的解决
现在要大家都吃素 以后发现不对头 才说 好吧 一部分人吃肉好了
这是解决事情吗? 这是吃饱了撑!

猪可怜你就不吃猪 咋地 你觉得那些青菜就活该让你煎煎炒炒 剁剁切切?
不要一眼不见为净的基础来献爱心 那都是肤浅!很肤浅!非常肤浅!太肤浅了!

人啊 别老是自我催眠 自以为慈悲
释迦摩尼不也满脸慈悲 但这世界上五湖四海 千山万水 不也逃不出一场空?

我不需要虚伪 因为 我对得起我自己

即使怕鬼 也不是因为我做了什么亏心事

Monday, 7 March 2011

Fireworks - Katy Perry
Do you ever feel like a plastic bag
Drifting through the wind, wanting to start again?
Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin
Like a house of cards, one blow from caving in?

Do you ever feel already buried deep?
Six feet under screams but no one seems to hear a thing
Do you know that there's still a chance for you
'Cause there's a spark in you?

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby, you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

You don't have to feel like a waste of space
You're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed
So you could open one that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow
And when it's time, you'll know

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
Just own the night like the 4th of July

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
It's always been inside of you, you, you
And now it's time to let it through

'Cause baby you're a firework
Come on, show 'em what you're worth
Make 'em go, oh
As you shoot across the sky

Baby, you're a firework
Come on, let your colors burst
Make 'em go, oh
You're gonna leave 'em falling down

Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon
Boom, boom, boom
Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon


top favourited.
and I just couldn't help but feel like I'm so enjoying the glitters of my life

i never really studied the lyrics until i was sitting in the car,
stuck in a long queue
then the radio bring me to the song
where I actually get to listen closely

I can repeat this for ONE long day

I cared too much

I wanted to be somebody stunning
which is why I drag myself into more and more tiredness

but like what 九把刀 said

getting real hell rich isnt something i'd trade my desire to travel for
though everyone think this should be the ULTIMATE goal for everyone
so we got out from school believing working hard will earn us all we want

but then at the age of fifty
you own the best car, the biggest house, the prettiest wife, the prettiest children
then one day you were cleaning your own room
you found a metal boxes all rusty and dusty
you thought it was a silly game of your children
you throw it aside and continue cleaning
but listen closer, its your once upon a time in there
barely breathing

i think this paragraph is superb, and i decided to translate it into chinese
lol. i'm high up in life with fireworks
*im gonna make you go OH OH OH as i shoot across the sky*


你现在坐拥最豪华的房车 最宏伟的房子 最漂亮的妻子 最可爱的孩子
然后一个普通的早晨  退休的你正慢慢的清理自己的杂物
结果你顺手就往一旁搁过去 继续你的整理
但你知道吗 那其实 盒子里面其实躺着你的想当初
微弱的呼吸着 微弱得 几乎没有存在似的

我觉得这一篇段落实在是暴强, 所以我决定把它翻译成中文
*我会让你们惊讶的说不出话 当我划过天空*


Sunday, 6 March 2011

we all have lil parts of Amelie in us
liking other smile
obsess over lil things in life
imagine the way things should have been

its been good driving around with cousins
cousins that i've been knowing for like......all my life

I always treasure those who have walked me a long story of life
my bestest friend who have been sticking around the whole process seeing the conversion from male to female

they are the cousins I've been closed to
maternal side, oh and lets just skip the paternal side

*nothing much
i only wanna keep this memory filed in
before it fades, in its best shape

its a short weekend
but life goes on

we've gotta out our past behind our back
and start taking the lead of life

bed talk with cousin is always a ritual
in a real cool air-cond room
perfectly covered under our own blankets
this is the time my brain starts hibernating
everything i say will be something absent-minded
and we will just spill out whatever thing that cross our head
without much thinking




我们总是不停的重组崩裂  然后重组  然后崩裂 然后重组

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那是一种很复杂的情绪 距离上一次也差不多是七年前的事情了
很短的时间 然后我们总是随性的核对着彼此彼此的回忆
还真随性 一天下来完全就是没有所谓的计划
四处窜  随便聊

我们都变了好多 我从一个男的 变成一个女的
以前总是只能靠双脚 自己创造最原始粗糙的快乐
现在长大了 可以驾车 可以到处去 范围变大了
没有变懂事了 还是一股傻劲儿地想要闯天下 还是很肤浅的想要变很秋

有一些人 他们在你的生命里 一直像墙角的蜘蛛网一般
你不会怎么去注意 但只要你一抬头 他们就会在
一定会在同一个角落 过它自己的生活 但是就是 被包括在你的生命中

这是一种很微妙的  不经意
可是当这些小小的微妙 随着时间的流逝越堆越多
我突然很感激 这所有的一切一切
即使是恼人的实习 我知道以后我会为曾有它而无比庆幸

一种 time will heal the all uncure 的信仰
因为这些小小的微妙 不曾被我刻意的设计 
原来我拥有的这一切 只要我细细的去看 其实也很漂亮

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走在生活的大马路 淋着怀旧的雨 向着模糊的前方
这是一种缓冲的时刻 一个应该把自己从小到大的一切一切 整顿好的时候
因为很快 我们会有新的生活 
不再是考试 而是薪水
不再是教授 而是上司
不再是同学 而是同事
不再是讨厌 而是陷害

在我真的踏入这一个新的生活之前 我想要吧现在这个好好的藏起来
不让别人偷走 不让时间冲散 我只是想要让它发酵 
过后七老八十的时候 架着老花眼镜 慢慢的 给自己再说一遍 自己的 故事
听着曾经的年少轻狂 慢慢的浮潜在自己的世界
数着自己一路走来的 每一步
从那里 到这里

现在 这里
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Thursday, 3 March 2011

loser #n

"your figures are so normal. look at you, FAT, small eyes,
round face, huge figure, maybe you should get a re-do"

"but I'm true, and when I'm seeing the mirror
I see my whole family in me. I see all those stories of them in me.
but you, what else do you other than some fake stuffs?"

I dont really feel anything about those who get beauty surgery
everyone has their rights to decide how they wanna present themselves
but just, dont get off limits
you can get whatever shit you want to be done on you
but honey, LET ME BE ME!

Being a better person doesnt give you the right to stand on others shoulder and call yourself tall

we dont have the requirement to feel exactly like you

and for this one moment,
you're nothing but a loser

in life
in thoughts
in being a human


别惹我 再挑战我的极限 我就装死给你看


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

在最高点 乘着叶片往前飞
任风吹干 流过的泪和汗
总有一天 我有属于我的天

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只属于 我 的天

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

so just let it burn

没有伞的孩子 必须更努力的奔跑
自己选择的路 就是跪着也得把它走完
你不勇敢 没有人会为你坚强

每个人 都应该有一个梦想

五月天有这么一首歌 叫做 生存以上 生活以下
一首 让我沉默了一整天的歌
我很少 要听五月天的歌
虽然搁了几张朋友送的 他们的唱片在车上
但如果不是我哥拿起来播 我可能到现在还没有在车上播过

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今天上班路上就是好巧不巧突然很专心地听完了 “生存以上 生活以下”
是啊 每天同样的时间 做着同样的事情
当一天的生活变得机械化 我怀疑究竟 曾经的我哪里去了
是被封闭在机械化的外壳  还是有内而外的 机械同化了
午餐是随便 还是都好 还是跟你一样的任何一种
奇怪呢 曾经我是很有想法 心跳很执着
有的时候是炒饭加菜脯 她还会记得我曾经说过菜脯要变态多
“随便”  “都好” “有什么就吃什么”
枯燥的生活 我一点都提不起劲儿来创造些什么惊喜
横竖就是一餐 kao kao kei kei 就得啦

慢慢的 就被稀释掉了



小时候深深的相信自己可以拯救世界 就是那一个英雄

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所以不管什么糟糕的事 都要 再等三天

我深刻的体认到 旅行 就是从自己呆腻的地方 跑到别人呆腻的地方去
在家乡看到别人拿照相机东拍西拍 总是笑着说好无聊
旅行的重点在于 不再和平日一样乏味的千篇一律

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阿牛的歌 和五月天的歌 对我来说 不相上下
因为 我都困在里头 久久无法释怀

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