The story goes this way:

My photo
We are all so alike yet we are totally different.

Friday, 29 July 2011

So raise your glass if you are wrong, in all the right way

Day wasnt really good, got pretty damn screwed up for tests
like real bad results, well, its ok.
at least i felt relieved realizing its not like i dont know how to do
just i am careless and mainly owing to lack of practice..
like, Phew~~~~

duh then thats it, test aint something that got on my day
its just, i dont believe in grades when it comes to learning
at least i've learnt a lot in this world that NO-ONE can possible grade me overall
results is a tiny part, very tiny

sky is your limit, and i havent found my limits yet.

mum is on for her own getaway trip
yeah, if i were her i would do the same
kids got their own stuffs to busy of, and she can still walk like a normal healthy person
its time we get down for some travelling aint?
i hope she have fun. well, when it comes to travelling, my mum aint that bossy
she can be real easy-going at times
i realize this during our trip to Bali.

like when i can just turn my head and say, hey mum i want this
then i will get the cash
picture this in Malaysia, its either my mum put a sarcastic smile or..."YOU'D WISH"


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its friday tomorrow
and im going back to hometown
no more hooray this time...weekend kinda mean the "beginning" of  revisions
argh. exams are round the corner again

things get less scary as it was when we got the attitude right
im adjusting myself

i have this wish that when im off college, i can be someone positive
someone very positive that she can get real happy
and obstacles dont get her down

i used to think if i wish for something hard enough than i will get it
something like "secret" have been telling
but i dont know

sometimes i dont even sure if i really want something
or could it be that i just...pretend like i wanted it
it sounds like there wasnt so much of big difference

but in the middle of the nights, lying on bed and seeing stars and all
you will see the tiny scars on you that you may not even have realized

you will start talking yourself through some hard times in life
and you just realize how weak you actually are

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its ok to be weak 
just, behind every strong spirit, there lies a weaker one
the strong will protect the weaker one in front of everybody
but when no one's there, they cry together, horribly

we all have weak and strong sides
just, im better because when my weaker side is on duty
i got my friends to count on

like when i feel comfortable to tell people i screw up my tests
without having to worry would they care for me or laugh at me first
thank god for the friends im having, whatever i will do, please dont take any of them away
i like how friendship works, like siblings, but at least they wont betray you for parents candy 
cause in a friendship, we cover shits for each other

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time for bed. 
bout the test i screwed, urm its Strategic Finance Management. 
A subject that bored me just by saying its abbreviation---SFM
DUH. i still gonna work hard for it
flunk is not a choice. its often a result of no choice.
im not gonna feel ashamed and yes,
i failed horribly in that subject, 
so horrible that i think i kinda saw Lord Voldemort kissing Hermoine Granger on the test paper
But i still am gonna work hard for it, no pain no gain
failing means i have lotsa space to improve and lotsa catching ups
it just mean, more work. not impossibility. 
so chill LKI, we got a life to rock. and now, lets just roll with the exam for fun

i said im addicted to life, and i just cant get enough
so this is the combination of  feeling of 
"regret-of-not-working-harder" and "i-should-have-been-more-careful"

right.i'll add in to my feeling-collected list.

you know when you feel so angry with yourself,
you should try "Raise Your Glass" by Pink.

"So raise your glass if you are wrong in all the right ways"

wrong isnt guilt.
i know this whole passage sounds more like me comforting myself
but yeah, of course im bothered with the terrible result
and im pretty sure i myself will well be the one to talk myself through
as long as i can put this fall behind my back, 


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like so ready. =)

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

我不想去遠方 我只想呆在家 陪你說說話

我有一個朋友 每當吃到什麼好吃的都有留一份帶回家分享
我們曾經開玩笑說他是賢妻良母 可是我永遠記得他曾經說過:


我也很喜歡吃東西 其實我們都喜歡吃好吃的東西 因為我們都期待那一個完全屬於我們自己 並且是我們自己赤裸裸的感受到的  幸福。

好吃的東西不是美食雜誌美食節目的那些 是你真的放在嘴裡 並且意猶未盡的



也許在命運前面在意的根本就不是輸贏 而是鄧麗君姐姐唱的“曾經擁有”






唉 我還是熱血方剛的年輕人 太努力讀書會精神分裂的

當我們都像孫一美一樣 一切都是可以簡單化的

關於台灣眷村 我的投射對象就是我們的新村
然後媽媽也不太管 就放任他們 時間到了才河東獅吼的叫回來
可是我不一樣 乾媽媽很疼我 很怕我跌傷還什麼的
我屬於高度養尊處優的狀態 玩什麼都要三個姐姐看住
所以我的活動就是 家家酒 亂跑亂跳 和吃東西
那時候的我 可羨慕了

再加上乾媽媽家是在山丘上 周圍除了植物就是大人
沒有人陪著我成長 大家都先我一步成長了
剩下我一個人徘徊在自己的路上 眼巴巴的看著其他的小孩




馮媽對茜茜:「傻孩子 命運要怎麼拼啊 你沒看那些逆流的魚 都傷的怎麼樣了 命運 只有順著它流 才能找到上岸的路。」







「就是因為太在乎了  對于周遭的事物只是曇花一現  所以只好裝作毫不在乎 」

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Tuesday, 26 July 2011

i am a happy kia-su

finally the moving ended and im "nearly" exhausted
couldnt get a new magazine though, so my walls look so empty
just some old photos and torn posters on

and urm, im gonna start updating my notes
got that exam timetable today
couldnt ask for any better as for the tight schedule we're in
the exam timetable is perfect enough
and that makes study planning....on

argh. this is the time i sit down copying stuffs
and regret what have i missed for skipping classes
there's so soooo damn much that i dont feel like starting
kidding, cause im like typical kia-su....
a happy kia-su i guess

oh. moody. always.
new hostel already. and this twin-sharing room is still on the search for the second owner
and my google searching aint that good so im not gonna effort any on this searching
i enjoy paying single but getting double =)

never know i actually take alone better than accompanied
when akemi moved out i thought its the end of me
but somehow i've got things held up pretty nicely
and then when the new roomate came
the 1st thing to strike is fear following awaits
and end up with disappointment and anger

i barely smile to her lately
so the whole "hey im leaving" process got so much easier
like just informing without me even seeing her face
this may be really rude
but i just gotta stop pretend like im into her as a roommate
Im not
though parents kinda taught us that we have to be nice to literally everyone
but sometimes, i prefer showing my anger
so wrong people dont do me wrong again in future

now i have my own room, i feel damn great to play my songs loud enough for my soul
and i feel awesome that i have my own space again
ever since that roomate came in, everything went wrong
before she had a boyfriend, she drag us into others love issue
and seriously, if somebody ask for my advice, i;ll be damn honest
and gosh arent you old enough to justify if it suits you
dont go all over my face saying i ruin others relationship
i've never been in one but i know the rule of it gets few wrongs to get to that one right.
plus, you asked for it!!!!

and then dear roommates,
 in my eyes (even when i have zero exp in relationship stuffs)
your boyfriend and you are as annoying as one can possibly be
when im on the earphone sitting there, that doenst make me mad or what
dont approach me as if you're a shivering rat and im the motherfucking lion king

and although it appears that i like good food and all
that doesnt make me shallow that i eat everytime you asked
i have my own eating schedule and when i dont feel like eating
not like i never tried whatever you said nice, i tried and yes it could be nice

and when im on earphone turning my heads here and there as if im so into the music
that dosent mean i cant hear you all whispering to each other
looking at me like im a weird monkey and try out funny acts to attract my attention
it would be cute and funny and all IF YOU ARE MY FRIEND
but you're not, im sorry, but i do bias
im not gonna act like all so nice when whatever you're doing bleed my eyes

oh and a lil bit bout your dearest boyfren
he kinda annoys me
the way he laugh after every sentence of mine, THATS ANNOYING HONEY!
and dont show me that "OH IM SO SORRY" face when i stumbled u 2 doing inappropriate in my rooms
instead, GET THE HELL OUTTA MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE GOING INTO MY ROOM WITH A "oh, paiseh for interruption" face.
my mum taught me well that i just dont...splash all i have to say on the subject's face

you can be all so "unbearable" to separate with your "dear" for a few seconds
but bear in mind that when im sleeping, and you sitting there hugging your girlfren

yeah right, if and only if my boyfren can be Dave Batista
that i can have you crushed into mash-human with hot sauce

oh, im feeling ... lighter? LOL..letting go of stuffs i "saved"

till then.

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Monday, 25 July 2011


宿舍啦 宿舍
現在閒著好像去看電影 莫名的就是想看哈利波特
好像童年的什麼要結束了一樣 心裡很糾結

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用一種道別的方式環顧房間 才發現牆壁上的海報 並不如我想像中的可有可無
我和她之於我就是那種 表面點頭問候你好嗎,內心暗暗問候他媽媽的
所以當她突然開始說 “啊!為什麼?” 我有點不以為然
你真不知道?唷 你拿男朋友犯着我了 我不喜歡我不認識的人出現在我的房間
然後她還說 “你拋棄我?”
切!我哪兒擔待得起這罪名啊 明明就是你一腳把我踢開
用你那尚未開竅的假聰明 把我踢到九霄雲外諸葛亮他家去!
都是客套話吧 本來就沒有多深的交情 更甭提我為了避開她所幹過的傻事
唉 人家甜蜜蜜 我就收這種絕交小秘密

我人生中就只有兩個室友 呵 一念天堂 一念地獄
曾經我有很好的室友 屋友 結果沒有珍惜 一切就消失在彈指之間
一開始和室友搬進來 就是那種半路插進來的車子 拿來惡狠狠的瞪的
一整間宿舍卯足全力使勁兒的打量我們 好像在玩真人版photo hunt
我們走到哪裡目光就跟到哪裡 誒我說就室友 會不會是你的刺青嚇到人家了 呵呵
然後室友像閃電一樣 咻的一下離開了我原本的生活 一瞬間我被拋到了孤獨的高空
冷漠而安靜的 繼續原本的被打量生活 倒也算相安無事

一直到某年某月的某一天 正在宿舍房間窮開心的時候
我聽到包租公在樓下叫門 我抓了鑰匙要下去
在樓下的屋友:噢!那個advance的是嗎?有 我去叫他下來

可能你覺得沒什麼,可是對於在那裡住了一年的我來說 只剩淡淡的 “唉....”

那些學妹們開始拿莫名其妙的功課來問我  基於我即使以前念過那一個科系
現在也已將政策改革改頭換面換湯換藥換到完 所以常常就是我傻笑的樣子
然後另一個屋友 算學弟吧 但不一樣科系 簡直就差了八條大馬路
他拿他的英文功課來給我 噢 這個勉強還可以 就算不行了 microsoft 還在啊
我就毅然決然幫他東改西修 結果 哼!我何許人也 當然滿分就拿回來啦
結果我成了全職功課檢閱員 完全免費 還態度超好的那種!


最奇怪的是高數,那種明明就是數學 卻硬是要加字母和怪符號的 虛偽科目
幹 是不知道朕最痛恨數學了嗎
但基本禮貌還是有的 我恭恭敬敬的說 “啊!不好意思,我沒有讀過,我不會”

你當我的advance diploma是包山包海的嗎?
這種上輩子諸我九族的變態科目 我看了就要的癌症  “愛(癌)哇死症!”
然後還有就是拿了一整片文章進來 說 “你改啦”
這位兄台 你的文章前言不對後語蛇頭老鼠尾沒有終點錯字比對的還多甚至連是不是英文都有待考證 你是要我從何下手? 然後以我這種學者的氣質,我當然是畢恭畢敬的問那位大爺說,抱歉,你這篇文章是在說什麼?
按奈每一絲的衝動 我安靜的問,你不知道?那,我怎麼改?
唷!實在不容小覷!壓根兒沒想過 他直截了當的就答了

心服口服 不二話 要讓我這輩子也有你一半豁達我江山早拱手讓人了

唉 就這樣 庸庸擾擾的 一切就走向序幕了 也不向我這個主演的交代一下
布幕落下來 大家都知道該散了

我是不可能不捨得這間宿舍啦 只是又要到人生地不熟的地方難免會感嘆曾經自以為的安定
說啥浪子 搬個宿舍搞得跟十八相送似的 呵

感嘆啊 就快要剩下最後一個學期了 我希望可以安安靜靜的在新的宿舍安度餘生

是啊 我又要開始動手做自己的小天地了

李佳恩 搬家愉快

啊 快活的日子快點來 姑奶奶我等不及啦 我要放縱自己每天不要跟著時間表
我還要吃遍天下 每天張開眼就有好吃的

啊 多麼逍遙自在 我自發夢向天笑 是否實現不計較 人生自在樂逍遙~

這一間三條路73號,我認識hui yin, kai ying(joanne), ashley........akemi你不算
然後這裡很多黑螞蟻 我恨


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Just keep your head alone

I just sent off a friend, and then I'm having a presentation in like..2 hours time

its undeniable that sometimes, i love hiding in the school library
it gives the feeling like you're so hardworking and yet you're just facebooking in a silent place
like when parents call, and you say you're in library,
the linkage will be studies, assignment, oh-what-a-hardworking-girl
and if you say you're in hostel or anywhere but school compound,
then your mum and dad will start mumble words more, please be focus and they are actually picturing you having fun all around the town like tearing the books and make them shatter like snow flakes

right. maybe not that .... dramatic huh?

so the other my mum kinda like....wanna talk me through where she drag hardly the topic from breakfast to school stuffs. sometimes you see people trying so hard that you'd pretend as they wished rather than wake them up, no harm made aint?

i should really be rehearsing for my presentation, but i kinda work around the mood
so here's what i wanna talk and education

My niece is 7 years old now and she is very adult-like for a standard one
sometimes i have this very strong feeling that she is saying something to entertain us adult

like when i ask her to set a target for her exam, like in less than 10 seconds she tell me she only aim for 100.
nothing to do with her ability and what, but just, i cant find the "naive" of kids in her eyes when she says this

i feel wrong. this is so wrong.
why teach a kid entertaining?

and the other day my parents brought her to the st.anne church for prayers
and she said she prayed for her exam to score all 100
GODDAMN. i swear when i was her age, i'd pray for bottomless soda and chips, and barneys and stuffs
so this is the new world? instead of pokemon they talk about getting 100 or 99?

i still think the main thing of study should be the curiosity
an unstoppable will and desire to know what's next and next and next and next.
this is something i learnt from "3 idiots"the movie.
some people learn from books, some people learn from mistakes, or experience
and me here, i learn from a tv baby

so then i actually realize something really important in me for studies
its that, study is something that you're completely on your own
you can be trained to be a "exam-all-As" machine but in the end
you decide what stays in your mind, and what will be just a blurred stain

you can go all the way like "FUCK YEA!I FLUNG MY STUDIES"
its all you, you decided to put your time up to no use and thats it
make sure you earn a living and dont increase the criminal population

i dont know why im writing all these
time-spending i guess
But I still gonna rock it. this is rock star madness.

alright fine i will continue my rock star story and pretend like i forgot my presentation

im gonna rock this presentation and every single one in there will get their mouth O-ed
and lecturer will be stunned of my charm and CHARISMA that she is too shy to ask any question
I will walk on to the stage like Obama going to give a speech
and i will talk like a successful business woman and im earning 548765976890 millions a year
then i will walk down, with another team member shivering
Towards the end of the presentation, I will again show up and wrap everything up NICELY
and then, i get the loudest applaud of all and everyone is overwhelemed

*ding* i feel like Rachel Berry.

its good to be dramatic at times, for you never know if you're in a comedy or horror movies or even worst,
"the-end-of-the-world" movie

if things gonna end tomorrow, I wished I've told everyone i cared that i love them
and i have finally found the peace in me

till then, i dont care if you're alright but mama earth, as bad as it can be, you better linger on

Thursday, 21 July 2011











Wednesday, 20 July 2011

不需要趕功課的日子裡 其實幸福簡單的可以

以前有一個學姐也常常掛在嘴邊"positive thinking!positive thinking"
我一直相信正面思考是一種神秘的力量 成效和“秘密”差不多

慢靈魂 一听就是 “哇!好有深度!”

其實歌還沒有仔細的聽過 但是專輯的概念大概都有讀過了
我一直都很受落 有很長一陣子我的塗鴉都是“rock n roll 的 style"

我常常在廣仲那種不著邊際邏輯跳躍的歌詞裡 發現到字裡行間的某些震撼
所以即使很多人說盧廣仲是lady gaga那種莫名其妙紅起來的

因為這就是生活的樣子啊 莫名其妙

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生活嗎  剪不斷 理還亂 就讓它野下去吧 我也不是等閒的二百五 見招拆招吧




Tuesday, 19 July 2011


一整天過下來 就一個字 閒
昨晚還很悠閒的看家居半夜場 播的是霸王別姬

是啊 這普通的周日我怎麼會在這麼寧靜的地方起來
沒有時間表 沒有約定好 今天就是要把手錶收起來

本來昨天計劃好了今天要去戲院 要去吃好的 去海邊 一個人
可是比起回家 那還用問嗎?
我是1990年生的一匹野馬 可是野馬終究得歸馴

看了霸王別姬其實我深深的感受到 專注力 和 狂愛
程蝶衣對於京戲的愛幾乎超越了他的生命 他需要
其實我好奇成就程蝶衣的 是虞姬 還是段小樓 還是楚霸王 還是 小石頭
有發現嗎 很多人都對自己的家鄉菜欲罷不能 明明就是普普通通 可是
那一道菜 有小時候的味道 而那一種味道 是一段記憶的主軸

所以程蝶衣 大小就很依賴甚至喜歡小石頭
那個在他被遺棄被命運拋在半空之中的時候 伸手接住他的師哥
我相信一開始 小豆子真的就當小石頭是兄弟 貼切點說 是家人 是取代媽媽的情感寄託

程蝶衣一直都是專心  套句老師傅的話 “從一而終”的人
他不會說言不由衷的話 無法朗誦他不能苟同的東西
所以當他真的說出了 “我本是女嬌娥,又不是男兒郎”


應該要有程蝶衣的專注 程蝶衣那種看準了就卯足力的個性
對京戲 站不改名坐不改姓  對段小樓 一輩子耗盡所有情思

是啊 我需要尋找我的生命的主軸 認清什麼是我的不可或缺無法割捨
手掌也就這麼個巴掌大 不能抓住太多東西 我們都必須選擇

不是說過嗎 每個人都要有一個夢想 一個理由去堅強

我應該要認真的思考 我的人生 我的故事 什麼是浮雲 什麼是煙火 什麼是我

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戲迷 戲痴 戲瘋子

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這一切,就像故鄉那樣遙遠。這輩子,這一輩子,這我剩下的輩子,都不可能再回到那一段光陰。我小的時候,上天下地唯我獨尊,乾媽媽全家都得寵我一個。要風得風之於還送打雷,要雨得雨更是送龍捲風。不可能了,現在和姐姐們之間明顯的出現了疏離,陌生。那是一種,她們就坐在我旁邊,我卻全身不自在的沉痛。我常常在想,生活總是讓我們越離越遠,寫英文的時候很愛寫 “drift apart”。就是不知不覺遠離了,最後一點點後悔都省下來的那種。




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Thursday, 14 July 2011

Perfume:The story of a murderer

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Indeed. A movie story again.
god damn i was overwhelmed by this movie
i thought it would be a mystery movie or those detective movie
but turns out, it just fit the name so well that its all about that perfume
the version i had was without subtitles, therefore the Franglish..(french english) did bother me a bit
but for this movie,i personally like it, i mean, like wayyyy better than "The roommates"

i have this special interest in seeing murder-homicide movies 
like how people get addicted to scary movies
i prefer murderous movies with lots and lots of dead bodies
and mysterious and special killing motives
the best time to see crooked personality!!!!

John Baptis role is definitely the main thing or even the only in this movie
i like how he got his eyes all so psychic!
the way he would secretly hide up and stare into something of his interest
and his tiny body that is always dirty and seem to be full of his own sweat
thats what a psychic should look like!

and another thing, the movie included all kind of scene that
i never could have expected to be available

anyhow, i have to see my dear notes again
they are dying for my concern
oh, poor loa lil stuffs.

till then. all the best leekahinn

Screw this whatever subjects, i'm going to Hogwarts!
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Wednesday, 13 July 2011

遲遲不肯開始翻書 唉

偶爾我們會彼此搭上些許官腔 都是場面話

她說她覺得她班上的人很噁心 都在出賣彼此
我始終認為如果不是這一次她考壞了 大家都對他投以同情的眼神
只是 她輸了 她受不了別人也在背後對她指指點點

己所不欲 勿施於人
一個地方混不下去了 才了解自己的發源地是多麼好
可是你還是沒有學到最寶貴的 什麼叫做因果
小公主 一直怪罪別人是走不遠的
你需要一面照妖鏡 拼棄掉那些別人加諸在你身上的身外物
也許你金枝玉葉 被寵慣了 但 紙上得來總覺淺 絕知此事要躬行
你可以繼續捍衛你自己 每一次打輸了就往殼裡頭躲
當有一天你筋疲力盡了 發現你原來一直永無止盡得跟著漩渦的車位燈

我還是不喜歡你 即使我的好朋友是你的多年老友
我只是覺得 你需要被敲醒
你根本不是被他們出賣的 是你自己天真無邪的 以為全世界都會愛你
以為那些老聚在一起說盡全天下是非的人 都都獨愛你

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祝福你 但我不喜歡你

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我還是會微笑的跟你說話 我不需要公告世界我不喜歡你
我還是喜歡我的好朋友 只是你不在我的選擇範圍 我也就只能接受
你應該也不喜歡我 所以我們就心照不宣

Tuesday, 12 July 2011


還有四十五分鐘 想說還是寫點什麼吧
還是同樣的歌,“True colours” 
也許因為這幾天都有著很相同的心情 嗯 也許吧
偶爾在很大很大的躁狂之後 我會突然冷靜一陣子
冷靜地收拾殘局 冷冷的 靜靜的 冷靜
現在中立得可以 明明就應該緊張 可是就是覺得
自己懶懶散散的 連身體裡的血液感覺也流得很慢
唉 怎夠一個懶字了得?

呵呵 那一天和朋友的小見面其實觸動了某些神經
曾經 我們天真無邪 現在 我們天天無錢
其實也沒什麼 只是有些人好久不見 恍如隔世 
現在見面 客套寒暄 扼腕嘆息 曾幾何時 彼此深交 宛若輕煙 煙消雲散

是很可惜啊 可是生活讓我們聚在一起 然後錯開
也許我們還是可以聚在一起 畢竟曾經我們有那麼一段緣分
曾經我們是朋友 也許現在也還是 只是無法像以前那樣熟悉

以前我轉頭就可以看到你們大家 然後現在我要打開電腦一個一個找
天下無不散的宴席 有朋自遠方來 自是不亦樂乎 可是人來人往啊
我們也必須調整好姿態 面對每一個突如其來的再見,永別,錯開,甚至是無聲的遠離

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這一種空蕩蕩的午後 適合拿來面對一些瑣碎的事
可能是以往的自己 可能是期望的自己
書要讀 試要考 生活還是得要過
獵命師裡邊的陳木生說過 “成功的捷徑就是毫不猶豫的踏上最艱難的道路”
之前我都了解錯了 我以為最艱難的道路就是剝奪所有快樂
現在才明白 快樂與否在於個人修養 所謂最艱難的道路
其實包含了一點 明知山有虎偏向虎山行 的氣魄
就是 即使你知道這一條路將會很累 很辛苦 你還是要走 義無反顧的
力爭上游 貴在力爭
就像讀書 不是讓你很痛苦的不看戲不吃東西就能考好成績
佛陀尚且接受那位姑娘的施捨 我們為什麼要虐待自己
我想 最艱難的道路說的 應該是 一鼓作氣和堅信自我的魄力
很多人 無法肯定的相信自己 他們總需要很多很多資料來支持他們自己
也就是這樣 所以最艱難的道路 應該是指這一方面


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Monday, 11 July 2011

I'm probably not listening to you

I have no story to tell
landlord-middleman uncle told us about moving to another house next semester
the first thing came in mind was my wonderful wall
and i've decided that im not gonna take them along
its just...we gotta move on right?

honestly there's always an underlying plan that i wanna change it
like putting in new photos and pictures and stuffs
but i just never really take this seriously
never even bother picking out photos
it just lied there...i settled down pretty fast huh?
like..just get used to it..and...not gonna do anything about it

So my allergy symptoms are growing somehow
starting to have it pretty frequently
i wonder would it really be a psychology problem?
well and whatever

was gossiping bout a housemate just now
and everyone look so amazed when i conclude
right. i said "you may be the princess and all, but im the bitch, i mess up and leave."
wow. clearly it must be some lines from some movies i couldnt recall

and i went dinner with a friend just now
getting updates a bit on her recent including pinky love part

well, things happen. cant help saying this
but she aint someone i go round worrying about
or should i say i never go round worrying for somebody else
i believe that in everyone, they have their own superpower for their stuck-up situation
and they will make through it like how they believe it

thats true
i dont really go round "helping" everyone, but only those who asked
i dont mean to be .....selfish or what not
its just that i think its an important lesson for everyone to ASK when they HAVE TO
yes, i may see your trouble from your helpless look
but you better get the attitude right and ask
dont act all so catty or what, i have my boundary, you cross it you die

oh, out of the topic again.

so my friend sorta like updating me her latest progress
and hell yeah things happen
sometimes when you dont know what to do in a situation, just take a step,
forward or backward, leftward or rightward
just take your pick and just go with it

the rule of thumb is that it takes a few wrongs to get down to the right
and its not up to me to comment whether what she did was right..or wrong
we dont have a line or guide for that, do we?
but im pretty glad that at least she has something to back up her choices
and sometimes, its more like persuading yourself to do something
you dont have to prove anything, as long as you're over yourself

i couldnt really understand love to be precise
considering i used to thought being a nun is a perfect job
but from what i can see, being in love suffers a lot of people
its just, people should stop all those craps on tv hypnotizing people about "the wonder, OF LOVE"
thats ridiculous, id believe the love in two and a half man or gossip girl or even glee.
just stop making every girl thought being stupid will earn them a handsome and smart guy

just well whatever
love aint some thing pretty pretty shiny bliniking stuffs like on tv
it is lively, uncensored, mankind expressions
and i dont want to tell again how cruel mankind gets
(If i must, they kill literally all species, INCLUDING THEIR OWN)

I just submitted a long assignment which i had never expected to be done with...this life, im addicted, and i just cant get enough!

oh hey! some wonder fair is going on in school
end up whole school got free music boombaboom

oh how nice. stepping out of class and heard "Back to December"
"if the chain is on your door, I understand"

this song does somehow relates me to my internship days
those were the times the DJ spam playing this song on radio
which i gets it maybe thrice a day

i wasnt a big fan of taylor swift back then
but somehow somewhere in the song
it had me feeling like this could be the best lyrics


im still at school waiting for the 4.30 class
its like a free attendance where you just sit and see people do the talking
pretty boring but hell yeah, i get time to figure out my own stuffs
like a more proper blog title

i often find blogging in class fun
like, in the middle of something, and you decided to just pause your life
and write stuffs

must have been real "cool" if my mum sees how i study
famous for being "whatever" aint that good you know
when even your lecturer knows you wont stick around for long
and your friends will just tag you whenever they're out
without having to ask if you're free that particular time
cause literally, YOU'RE ALWAYS FREE.

damn, now you know, you're really a happy person

and now im in internet lab, you know, blogging
erm, trying to answer questions of others whici barely even sure of the answers
its just, sometimes, i answer their question with an answer i cant read again with my mouth
and i just appears to be damn confident then people believe in the direction i gave

well. i know my intention is to convince them a way to go ahead with
which i will tell them still that im not sure, but it always takes a few wrongs to get it right
so we just have to go out running on our bare feet and fall horribly and bleed like a waterfall

its either you get numb to the pain, or
you know the necessity of shoes

its good afterall
you need to start with something, go wrong, and get to the right
thats what behind "Practice makes perfect"

keep on doing it wrong until the right one stays

class in 9 minutes and im too lazy to move my butt outta here
awh. i should hold a public speaking session
and start talking like a spoilt water tap---UNSTOPPABLE

*i wanted to talk about "Optimistic" in me
the one characteristics that i never realized until i get it like...from everyone
friends, schoolmates and whoever

maybe next time
i've a scheduled movie list tonight.
but if my roomates freak me out again, i might just...come back in here
and finish my story

till then, QuietlyFantastic.
(right im gonna make "QuietlyFantastic" my very own "Amitabha")

Saturday, 9 July 2011

最近這種鬼天氣 太陽啥時變成雙胞胎了我都不曉得

再加上我命帶環保 生活環境都是沒有冷氣的老地方
每天處於烤全熟 和 烤太熟 之間
能不發瘋嗎 洗澡浪費水 出門浪費汽油


以前說身體發膚受之父母 不能隨意改變
所以后羿瘋了 熱瘋的 所以才去射太陽

天氣差 瘋人多 果然不是沒有理由的

hell yeah i cut my hair
you wont like it when i start mumbling my "fuck weather" story

and i think i've been listening "True Colours" as in glee version since 9something this morning
i cant get enough of this line:
"your truuuue colours, is beauuuuutiful like a rainnnnnnnnnbow"

im doing my assignment now
till then.

OH. now i realize this hair complete the "roundness" of me

up early and went breakfast with granny at the market
day started ever since

Friday, 8 July 2011

i take pictures
because i wanted to show others what my world really is
then i realize
most people take picture so they feel better about themselves
knowing that their appearance sort of calm them down

im still the sloppy me
but i forgot why i took pictures
because no one cares and i lost the sharing part

it appears to be that my world only look good to me
so i grab an apple biting, set aside and watch my life-movie
i see people come in and people go out

i stood aside of my life acting like a bellboy at the hotel entrance
--  I walk some people a short path
so short that they dont even have enough time to remember me

feeling isolated isnt good
but all these will get stuck and you will get used to it

somehow these days, i can never say im into photography anymore

has anyone ever told everyone that, the key to a so-called perfect picture
is a perfect life, or a perfect story
which has totally nothing to do with your camera?

HD doesnt include "feelings"
HD only enlarge and un-blur your cried-out face
now everybody knows your damn hurt and damn messed up
but still, no one ever feel your pain

我希望 有一天我可以走在一個地方

往前不停衍生 然後我可以一直走 一直走

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給我空曠的地方 自由的時間

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我不想要休息 因為並沒有什麼長遠的路
然後就會停下來 假裝喘口氣

住小一點的房子 駕小一點的車子
你留著你的富貴驕傲 我留著我自己

不會伸出手 也不會再推你一把


這個世界 說白了也就只剩選擇


也許 可以再忽略一點點

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long ago

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Wednesday, 6 July 2011

right blogging
i watched fringe just now
and my inner self cried horribly when Peter sang "row row row your boat"
most of the time, its not the voice that touches, its the story in you
thats what they say, listening to others songs, but crying in our own tears

and i watched a lil sneak peak of Glee this afternoon
finally i got to the episodes they are doing "imagine"
man i LOVE that song

"imagine, all the people~~~"

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watching Glee often reminds me of my ridiculous days in high school
the way i ignore books like nobody's business
man i got that swagga back then

but this peaceful night
im in my hostel, sitting down all day long trying to compile my whole assignment
lets say things change

yea things have changed into a way i never thought it would be
sometimes i confuse between "everyone has their own destiny" and
"things will work out no matter how"

so did things just work out on whatever choice i made or
i am actually following some destiny unconsciously
where one day i will find out i had been walking on a road that
any tiny mistake will have me all crash into pieces?

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I tried imagining myself 5 years from now
who knows

when i was 17 years old, five years before
i never thought i can end up one day a hardworking person
a person who understand the meaning of working hard for a goal
and maybe 5 years ago i was a boy
also, back then i would never believe my mum actually pay for my slimming course

who knows

things just set off and gone wild

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have you heard "Superstar" by carpenters?
this picture reminds me of the song

so calm and silent and all
sometimes i really ask for a peace in mind
you know
like when you have so much to digest in that tiny little creased watery thing we called brain
its like you cant even breath normal
something will be somewhere pressing you hard like a referee
counting down on a wrestling match
and you're all red on your neck and face
but you just refuse to take losing as the conclusion

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so? i overturn myself when dealing with it?

so these days i've acting like some ancient old century people on facebook
guess my friends are all getting frustrated and beh tahan
sorry fren, im just so in mood

im half way through an assignment right now at the point
and i safeassigned it
the first time ever
and i feel like....the system just..took away my assignments on my face

my friend then says we should wait a while more she thinks

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BUT I AM SCARED!!! what if the percentage turn out....ERM
right touch wood, EVEN EAT WOOD
everything will be just as fine!

i wanna go watch drama now
i guess i'll take fringe
though Olivia is a lil too hard for me, but I love Walter
he's a dad and he is mentally ill....


Monday, 4 July 2011

im watching Glee and yes i've been getting that "ewww" look
duh who cares
could be that its something lame or what
but i like this whole "Glee"
Ever since it got on tv i expected it to be good
because their commercials were them doing "Imagine" by John Lennon
and I've got their songs on my "frequently played" list

man i just like how they draw the story line to be in relation with the song in a way
i still find all those episodes worth watching
maybe its something i can relate to thinking bout my "school life"
or some "passions" in some.....not that popular stuffs

and so this recent im into this song-- "Defying Gravity"
even the name i think its cool
defying gravity, if i were to rename my blog, i will name it this
but Quietly Fantastic is too fine now, too fine that i think it just resemble my life so well

today i woke up to my self-prepared-yet-so-damn-awesome-omelet-with-tuna breakfast
like 10 minutes after i finish it or what, gosh my body shows that "I-AM-SENSITIVE-TO-STUFFS" attitude
itchiness grow around my right elbow and i scratched it then urm, yea, usual sensitive skin incident happened
though it got better a while after that, it all came back again in noon

only, even worst

then my mum tried figuring what the hell is happening
which she said i should be allergy to something i myself dont even know
(can i be allergy to house chores?)
for 21 years i've lived and i dont know im allergy to something

for ladygaga's sake, i swear all i had were normal breakfast i would have had any other days
and it just raise that "insecure" in me when the allergy to something i dont even know idea pops up
something is getting funny in me to think, im allergy to something now
i used to think allergy is some girl-ish sickness where, we rockers dont have
lol so guess thats not so much of rocker to do with allergy afterall huh

sorry allergy-friends,im one of you now and i feel stupid to say whatever i had
i just, wasnt....understanding enough?

gosh im repeating the 3467286th time on "defying gravity"

"its time to try defying~~ gravity~~~"

so much of my allergy story
oh and a snake got into my house the other day
im terrified

have you ever wonder that how much you understand your own body
like, every tiny slip of it?
i thought i did.....really. until i got frustrated scratching my own feet

maybe the things i knew....could have been a whole different story for somebody else
its totally appropriate to say i can never get enough of this life huh

i just cant get enough


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